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i flip onto my bed after tucking Yuki into bed.

i root through my school bag in search of my english binder, recently i've gotten a lot better at english. last year i hated it, but now it's quite enjoyable.

i have a test tomorrow and i need to do some last minute studying so i don't fail horribly. i may like the actual writing part but i dislike the grammar part.

i read over and rewrite some of my notes.

i stop what i'm doing when i hear the front door of the house open. is my mother home? does she have someone with her?

i only hear one persons footsteps in the hallway, and they are my mothers.

i listen to my mother pacing up and down the hallway. it's scary me a little but i try to ignore it and continue studying.

anxiety makes my stomach churn, this behaviour is strange for her, when she does come home this late she usually has a man with her and she's never paced in front of my room before.

i notice my unlocked door and stand up as quietly as i can.

i slowly make my way towards the door and reach for the handle.

but it opens.

i shrink back at the sight of my mother.

"get out." she says.

"what..?" i stammer, my body trembling.

"you heard what i said." she says angrily. "get out of my house."

"where is this coming from? what brought this on? if i did something i'm sorry!" i reply as quietly as i can, trying to avoid waking Yuki. by now the tears flow from my eyes.

"i'm pregnant." she answers, almost sounding a little defeated. "i have no need for you anymore. i can replace you."

"what? you're joking right? please don't make me leave! i can help you!" i sound desperate and i probably look pathetic.

"no. pack your things and get out." with that she leaves the room and closes the door behind her.

i stare hopelessly after her, feeling the hot tears stain my cheeks.

i grab my duffel bag and fill it with warm clothing, keepsakes and sanitary items. i put on my winter jacket and sling my duffel bag over my shoulder. lastly, i grab my school bag and my volleyball gear.

i leave my room and begin walking to Yuki's room.

"i told you to pack and leave, not pack and say goodbye to your sister. get out."

i slowly drift away from Yuki's bedroom and towards the front door.

i choke out a 'goodbye' and leave the house.

the lights go off in the house and i take a seat on the snow covered steps.

i cry quietly, deciding that scream-crying would wake up the entire neighbourhood.


"[name]. you sound upset is everything okay?"

"Keiji she kicked me out." i reply.

i bury my face in my hands, frantically wiping away the tears.

"i'm coming. stay where you are."

"what? Keiji no it's late."

"no. i'm coming to get you. you're outside of your house right?" he asks sternly.

"yes. thank you."

Keiji arrives about an hour later. as soon as his car pulls up he jumps out and embraces me.

"[name] are you okay? did she hit you at all?" i shake my head in response.

he guides me softly to the passenger door and opens it for me. i take a seat and he closes the door after me.

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