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we had finally graduated.

Keiji's mother and father had taken us out to dinner to celebrate as neither of us really wanted to go to a school dance.

we were silent, everyone was focused on their food, awaiting the next topic.

i knew what it would be, and there's no use running from it. i just have to wait for Keiji's mother to bring it up.

"so, i know you two have been looking at some universities, have you both made your decision?" Keiji's mother finally brings the created topic up.

i'm fairly sure Keiji and i picked different schools, i could be wrong though. we promised not to tell eachother until we graduated.

"i got accepted to a school for volleyball." i reply quietly.

"that's amazing [name]! i assume you're going to try to play pro then?" Keiji's father beams.

i nod. "yeah, i'm going to choose it over being an engineer if i was given the opportunitiy." i scratch the back of my head. i turn to Keiji, whose been silent this entire time.

"i'm assuming you're going to your dream school for something like english right? you mentioned awhile ago you wanted to be an editor." i murmur.

"yeah i am." he smiles. "i'll really miss you."

"Keiji don't worry. once we both graduate we can have our happy life together right?" i smile, reaching for him.


i stand just in front of the train with Keiji and his family.

i try to remain somewhat cheerful and happy for Keiji and his parents but for once in my life it's actually hard.

his mother even sheds a few tears, like she cares about me. it's a really nice feeling.

i hug Keiji's parents for a couple seconds, then i turn to him.

"i'll miss you a lot okay? don't go finding another soulmate and replace me got it?" i say sternly.

"i wouldn't dream of it [name]." he smiles, bringing his hand up to the side of my face.

"do your best in university too okay? don't let me be more successful than you. might be tough because i'm really good at volleyball." i pout, drawing out my goodbye.

the tears have started to flow by now.

"you don't have much time [name], say what you would like to say."

"i love you. so so much Keiji. i'm going to miss you." i engulf him in a hug, resting my head in his shoulder.

"you have to go now [name]. i love you so much too." he smiles sadly at me.

i release him and grab my bags. i wave as i slowly walk to the train.

i turn around as the doors close. i look through the door window and lock eyes with Keiji.

"i guess we'll be communicating like this for awhile then huh?"

"looks like it."

the train departs.


thank you for reading!!

i will be putting out a third book of when you are in university!!! but before i do that i will be writing either a lev haiba x reader and an oikawa x reader or a semi eita x reader fan fic. the lev haiba fan fic is for sure happening i just don't know when.

i have some editing on some other books i have to do as well, like rewriting and editing my sugawara x reader and my first akaashi keiji x reader fan fics, so that may take some time.

i love you guys so much i hope you're all doing amazing and until next time 😄😄

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