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"what did you need help with today Aiko?" i ask the first year.

she flips through her binder in search of the math equations.

"algebra please. i need to figure out how to find the value of x here. it's so hard." she explains.

i explain the lay out of the equation and how to balance it properly to find the value of x.

she nods in understanding and tries the same problem by herself, running through the steps one at a time, checking back and forth between my answer and hers.

"oh i understand this a lot better now. thank [name]." she smiles at me a little.

similar to myself, she struggles to show emotions and affection to other people. that's become obvious. i've come to enjoy her company. i might even consider her as a friend.

i wave goodbye and leave the library.

"i miss you."

"i miss you too. we'll meet up again soon okay?" Keiji replies.

"yes please." i smile a little bit. i wish we lived closer together, then we could see each other all the time."

"once again you could always come live with me." he offers, once again.

"you know i'm tempted, but my answer is still the same. no, i cant. i need to take care of Yuki." i sigh.  "but i definitely will in the future. we'll get married some day, okay?"

"of course we will." he answers. my heart flutters a little at his answer.

"do you ever have any games nearby by chance?" i ask.

"we play against karasuno tomorrow. you're near them right?" he replies.

"yeah i am actually. i could run down there tomorrow after school. i enjoy watching you play, so i'd love to come down. what time?" i ask

"around six. it's okay if you can't come of course. i know you'll have to take care of Yuki-chan." he says.

"i'll bring her with me. she likes watching me play volleyball so i don't understand why she wouldn't." i decide. "i'll see you tomorrow then okay?"



the next day went by dreadfully slow. the excitement of seeing Akaashi made time go extremely slow but i'm finally at the karasuno gym.

we had to leave early because Yuki can't run as quickly as me, but we got there and that's all that matters.

we burst into the gym just in time for the starting whistle. Keiji turns his head to look at me as the other team serves.

he quickly snaps out of it and directs his attention back to the game.

i motion for Yuki to follow me to some benches beside the court.

we take a seat and watch the game.

"look, [name]! Akaashi is the setter!" she cheers, pointing at him.

"setters a cool position huh?" i smile.

"yeah! sorry [name] but i think i want to be a setter like Akaashi. the ace is pretty cool but being a setter looks so fun." she giggles.

the gym door bursts open once again. the tall guy with spiky hair enters the gym.

"Akaashi!" he cheers, but he shuts up when he notices that the game had started.

he then spots me and Yuki on the bench.

he immediately recognizes me and rushes over.

"hey! you're that girl from nationals last year aren't you?!" Bokuto yells.

"uh- yeah that's me." i stand up and bow at him.

"are you Akaashi's girlfriend?! you hugged him at nationals last year remember? you guys must be dating by now right?" he bombards me with questions.

"yeah. we are actually." i smile softly.

"who's this [name]?" Yuki asks, pointing at the taller guy.

"this is Bokuto Kōtarō. i think that's his name at least. he's Akaashi's friend." i tell her.

"yep that's me!" Bokuto cheers.

"you're taller than [name]!" Yuki gasps. "can i sit on your shoulders? pretty please?"

he laughs and squats. he pats his shoulders and motions for her to climb onto his shoulders.

she squeals and scrambles onto his back.

she sits on his shoulders for the entirety of the game.

afterwards Bokuto and i visit Keiji we go to a coffee shop altogether, then Bokuto drives us home.

"i think you're good for Akaashi." Bokuto says out of the blue before i exit the car.

"ah thank you Bokuto-san." i bow and smile at him.

"you're welcome [name]!" he cheers.

"bye [name]! bye Yuki!" he waves goodbye as we walk into the house.

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