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another day of my shitty home life.

i've gotten better at tolerating my mothers inappropriate nightly behaviour, but i will never get over the fact that she does not clean up after herself after she has her many partners over.

from time to time i will find nasty used condoms on the living room carpet, causing me to scream complaints at Akaashi and almost hurl.

"cleaning day!" i cheer sarcastically to my poor soulmate.

"please just come live with me. please." he begs. "i'm tired of you living in a shitty house hold. excuse my language."

i smile hearing the end of his sentence.

"i would love to, but like i said, my team and my sister. they need me i can't leave." i say.

"please [name]. this is what's best for you and your health, and if you don't want to live with me i'll come down next week. i would like to see you anyways."

"that would be really nice. just let me know when you're coming up and i'll make some plans for us." i smile.

we continue talking about possible dates while i clean the living room, then the kitchen, then the bathroom.

i decide it's best to leave my mothers bedroom alone.

"Yuki are you done cleaning your room?" i ask, poking my head into my little sisters bedroom.

she nods and smiles at me, gesturing to her tidy room.

"great job Yuki. you can go watch tv if you'd like, the living room is clean." i smile.

i go to walk back to my own bedroom but stop when i hear the doorbell ring.

Yuki opens the door.

"[name]! there's someone here for you!" she calls.

"coming." i call back. i walk swiftly down the hallway and to the front door.

"oh. Goshiki. how are you?" i greet the tall, black haired boy.

i haven't seen him yet this year, thankfully his hair is still styled the same. i think the bowl cut is funny.

"i'm good, thank you for asking [name]. i have a favour to ask." he bows. "please come to the gym and help me with my spikes. you're really good at it and i thought you might be able to practice with me."

Goshiki is in his second year now, but i wouldn't be surprised if he was the ace by now. his power was only second to Wakatoshi-san's last year.

"yes of course. Yuki, sit with Goshiki in the living room while i get ready please." my sister nods happily in reply, grabs Goshiki's hand and pulls him to the living room.

he sits awkwardly in the living room while my sister talks his ear off. i change and grab my stuff quickly.

"i'm ready to head out. do you mind if Yuki comes with us?" i ask him.

"is your mom not home?" he asks.

"no. she's not around very often." i reply bluntly. his face flushed red and he bows immediately.

"i'm so sorry. i shouldn't have asked a question like that." he squeaks.

"no no it's really okay, you don't need to worry about it at all. we're well off aside from that." i smile at him, trying to make him feel a little better.

"of course your sister can come." he turns and bows at the small girl. "i'm sorry that must have sounded rude."

we leave the house all together and begin walking to the academy.

"i'll talk to you in a little while Akaashi. i need to help someone with their hits." i think to him.

"how old are you mister?" Yuki asks Goshiki.

"i'm a second year in highschool. i'm a year younger than your sister here." Goshiki answers.

"why is she taller than you?"

i begin to laugh, clutching my stomach. Goshiki reddens.

"she's older than me." he answers, pouting a little bit.

"but she's a girl." Yuki replies bluntly. the eight year old was clearly upset with his answer.

"but [name] is really tall! why are you so tall anyways, [name]?" he asks turning to me.

"our mother it five ten and our father was six three. tall women aren't very common in japan but unfortunately i was gifted with two very tall parents. so here i am, almost six feet tall." i explain.

"that's actually pretty cool." Goshiki says in awe.

"i'm gonna be just as tall as [name] one day!" Yuki cheers.

"and just how old are you?" Goshiki asks Yuki.

"i'm eight!" she says proudly.

"that's a hug age gap." Goshiki sounds very shocked. "when did your mother have you

"well i'm still seventeen. and my mom is thirty five so i think she had me when she was twenty. then she had Yuki when i was somewhere in middle school i think." i reply. "but yes it's a hug age gap."

before the conversation can go any further, we arrive at the gym. it's open and Shirabu is inside setting on the wall.

"Shirabu!" Goshiki calls. "i got her to come."

"go sit on the sideline there and watch us play okay Yuki?" i tell her politely. she smiles happily and runs over to the corner of the gym.

"do you both need help or just you?" i ask Goshiki.

"just me. Shirabu is just here to help me out." Goshiki replies.

i nod and slip on my volleyball shoes.

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