ryūnosuke tanaka- drives

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"not yet, gimme a second tanaka,"


smiling softly, i quickly buckle my seatbelt. tanaka had just picked me up from my house. today karasuno had no practice, so we thought to take this opportunity and get some quality time together. what better way to be with my boyfriend than blasting music driving in the car?

"ok tanaka i'm buckled,"

turning the key, the car starts and tanaka begins to drive down the street. reaching his hand over, he grabs mine and holds it tightly in his, bringing our hands up and kissing my knuckles gently.

"what music do you want to listen to y/n?"

"hmm..let's listen to (favorite music artist)!" i state happily.

tanka and i enjoyed some of the same music, and it made me especially happy when he allowed me to choose what music to blast on our drives.

"hell yeah!" tanaka connects the aux, and (favorite music artist)'s music loudly floods the car.

keeping our hands tightly interlocked, tanaka continues to drive aimlessly around the area where we live.

we scream the lyrics to our favorite songs, laughing and smiling for most of the night.

once the clock reaches 11, we decide it is time to start driving home.

tanaka had held onto my hand the whole ride, something that always made my heart flutter in my chest. tanaka was better at showing his love through actions more than words. when we did go on long drives singing together (or almost anywhere we went together) he always made sure to hold my hand the whole time. his thumb would softly brush over mine, or he would pull my hands to his lips and place soft kisses over each knuckle. before i had the chance to fully sit in the passenger seat, tanaka would double, no triple check that i was buckled.

he luckily did not have the same driving style as his older sister, and took extra care when i was in the car with him. tanaka usually let me pick me the music and would always sing the lyrics with his whole heart.

at red lights or stop signs, tanaka would turn and press a quick kiss to my cheek or lips. if we had been driving for a while, he'd check that i was comfortable, or would ask if i wanted to stop and get some fast food.

tanaka showed he loved me in so many ways, and i couldn't feel more happy to have him as my boyfriend.

"Y/N! babe?" tanaka's loud voice pulls me from my thoughts.


"i asked if you were hungry! you were staring at the dashboard with a funny look on your face.."

"oh! sorry tanaka, and yes can we get (favorite fast food place)?"

"hell yes!" tanaka grins and steals a quick kiss from me at the stoplight, then begins the drive for food.

"hey tanaka?" my voice comes out softly.

"what's up baby?"

"i love you." i smile as i see a small blush dust tanaka's cheeks.

"i love you so much y/n!" he replies happily.

happy tanaka to make up for angst suga! thank you all so much for the reads, comments, and votes! they really make me feel so happy!

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