kiyoomi sakusa- out

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the first time i saw sakusa kiyoomi i couldn't help but think that he was strange. i had never met anyone as cautious and clean as he, and i wasn't very surprised to learn that he hated large crowds and gatherings. i mean he did carry cleaning products with him wherever he went. though i had no problem with his overly clean nature. in fact i found it admirable to be as neatly clean and composed as sakusa kiyoomi. 

since we had first met, everything had become a competition between us. neither of us liked losing so we decided to eventually add a twist to our constant competitions. the loser had to fulfill one request from the winner.

at first these requests had been small, like buying the winner a candy bar or giving over the homework answers for a particularly hard class. not long after the twist was thrown in, the requests become more and more...unexpected.

the first unexpected request was from sakusa himself. he had gotten a higher score than me on our history test, something i was half expecting as it wasn't my best subject. i had to look away from his face to stop myself from blushing when he told me his request was that i massage his shoulders and back every day for the rest of the week after his volleyball practice. i had no choice but to oblige and fulfill his request, as it was a strict rule that had grown from our constant competitions. 

that week had gone by almost too quickly, and every day without fail after the long hours of volleyball practice, i would massage all the knots from sakusa's toned shoulders and back. it was fortunate he couldn't see my face so that my blush was hidden. if he had seen my reaction to simply massaging him, there is no doubt i would be teased for it. 

since then the requests had gotten a lot more personal. for our latest competition i had tied my shoes faster than sakusa and won. i had my speculations about his feelings for me, and so i decided now was the perfect time to find out the truth.

"sakusa! ready to hear my request?" i chirped happily with a cheeky grin on my face. 

he nodded in response.

"i want you to take me on a date! this friday at 5, that is my request!" i smiled in attempt to mask my nervousness.

"a date?" he had no mask covering his face, and i was able to see the pink tint that dusted his cheeks.

"yep! and remember no backing out- you lost."

he sighed and nodded again, his cheeks still tinted pink. this was definitely going to be fun.

-timeskip to 5pm friday, date time!-

the knock on my front door signaled sakusa's arrival. i was excited to see what we would do and where we go. i did want to learn more about sakusa outside of our school life and small  competitions.

"these are for you," when i opened my door i was not expecting sakusa kiyoomi to be standing with a bouquet of flowers. 

"sakusa! you're really going all out for this aren't you? don't worry-it's cute!" i happily accepted the flowers and felt my heart warm at the blush that seemed to be constantly burning on sakusa's face whenever we were together. i put the flowers in a vase with some water before leaving my house with sakusa by my side.

he was being quieter than usual so i decided to strike up conversation.

"where are we going sakusa? it doesn't seem like we are walking in the direction of any train stations.."

as he didn't have his mask on i was able to see the grimace on his face when i said train stations. right, he hates crowds and public places. 

"i thought we could get some pastries and walk through the park, there are some pretty trails i thought you'd like..." his eyes continue to stare forward in the direction we were walking. i notice the tips of his ears are slightly red, and i smile to myself, happy with the way i'm able to affect him. 

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