akaashi keji-rain

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today had to be perfect. after weeks of stressing and planning this date, i had finally decided on a simple and sweet way to show my appreciation for akaashi.

about two years ago, he and i met at a small coffee shop close to our college campus. akaashi had approached me while i was studying for midterms, and admitted he couldn't help but admire me. he asked if he could sit with me and of course i accepted. we ended up studying much later than planned but it was not as if we had minded. when i got home i saw he left his phone number on a sticky note on one of my textbooks, and later that night i texted him.

since then we had spent a lot of time together at the small shop, and it has a sweet place in both of our hearts. to celebrate our relationship i decided akaashi and i would grab our favorite drinks from the place and then go for a nice walk in the park across the street. i know it isn't anything grand, but i'm sure akaashi will appreciate the the thought i have put into this.

right now akaashi was with his man-child of a friend, bokuto and would be coming home soon. while he was away i had deep cleaned the whole of our shared apartment, so when we got back from our date we could focus on... other things.

"y/n? are you in here?" akaashi's smooth voice brought a smile to my face, so i walked out of the bedroom to greet him.

"hey baby, did you have fun with bokuto?" i give his lips a quick kiss.

"it's always a fun time with him," he chuckles lightly, catching me in another kiss.

pulling away with a smile, i remind him that we are going out in a few hours and he should dress nicely.

the hours pass quickly, and we were now walking to the coffee shop hand in hand. we chatted about small things, and akaashi told me of how bokuto was doing. once we arrived at the familiar doors, i smiled softly at the familiar aura the shop held. the sounds of the coffee machines working, pages turning, and people talking gave me a warm sense of comfort. of course the smell of coffee did too.

akaashi ordered his usual latte, and i a (favorite hot drink). paying for the drinks like the gentleman he is, akaashi and i took a seat at a table by the window.

"i remember first seeing you here y/n," he reached across the table and took my hand in his.

"oh yeah? what did you think?" i wink playfully, causing a light blush to dust his cheeks.

"i thought you were angelic. your (hair color) hair looked gorgeous, and your brows furrowed slightly when you read- it was so cute! you know that night i actually was on the phone with bokuto for hours just talking about you?"

"a-akaashi, really?"

"of course y/n, you are the love of my life." he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it gently, making my heart flutter.

we sat, at the table by the window, and reminisced on the first time we had met. almost an hour later i suggested we walk in the park before it gets dark.

"y/n, it's getting cloudy now. are you dressed warm enough?" we had just begun our walk in the park, and it was true the temperature had dropped significantly. i looked up at the clouds and saw they were indeed covering the little amount of sun the day had left. i smiled at his concern, "don't worry 'kashi i'm warm."

he nodded, but still pulled me closer to him, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. i leaned into his side, inhaling deeply. akaashi always smelt like home.

we walked past the tall trees and small bushes with little flowers budding on them. akaashi held me close to him the whole time, occasionally asking if i was still warm. we talked about our friends, how are weeks had went, our ideas and random thoughts.

"y/n, did you feel that?" he looked up towards the sky and held one of his hands out.

"feel what?" a small wet drop landed on my nose. oh. that. it had begun to rain. of course it did. on the day i wanted time with my boyfriend, it would rain. why didn't i check the weather? akaashi will want to go back home, and we wont get to finish our date!

"akaashi, im sorry," i hung my head sadly. i didn't want our date to end so soon.

"what for?"

"ruining our date. i didn't know it was going to rain.. sorry."

he laughed. "ruin our date? y/n our date isn't ruined." he stood in front of me, our chests almost touching.

he closed the space between us with another step. his warm calloused hands cupped my face softly, his thumb wiping a raindrop away that had landed on my cheek. it had started to rain harder than before and i was beginning to feel the cold seep through my clothes. akaashi took notice of this, and pressed his mouth to mine. my eyes immediately closed, and i kissed him back with just as much love as he gave into the kiss. my hands found their way to his tousled black hair and his grabbed my waist. we kissed, and that kiss showed all the love we had for each other.

akaashi pulled away when he felt my body shiver.

"i've always wanted to do that." he smiled and kissed my lips again quickly.

"do what?"

"kiss you in the rain."

i smiled. "akaashi. can we, uhm.. do more? at home?"

he smiled and grabbed my hand. "of course. but lets get out of this rain before you catch a cold."

akaashi began to run, and i ran beside him, holding his hand tightly in mine. we ran through the pouring rain, laughing and smiling until we got home. once we were dry, we did indeed continue from where we left off in the rain, and it wasn't the water that made me wet.

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