wakatoshi ushijima-nightmares

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you wake up in a cold sweat, panting as you sit up trying to fight the tears threatening to fall. you had another nightmare, for the third time this week.
you have this awful fear of heights, so it's pretty embarrassing for you to wake up crying next to your brave and serious boyfriend all because you had a dream about falling off a three story building.

"y/n?" you hear ushiwaka call out in his gruff voice

"sorry ushi, just a bad dream" you reply sheepishly; still embarrassed at your silly fear that won't go away.

he wraps a warm hand around your waist and pulls you close to his muscular chest, giving you a small kiss on the top of you head.

"it's ok y/n. i'm here" he responds in his deep voice.

"i'm sorry for waking you up ushiwaka." you quietly say.
it's currently four am, and he has practice in two hours, so you feel bad for having him up this early.

"don't worry about it y/n. i'm fine. you should get some sleep." he comforts you.
you snuggle closer to him, inhaling his earthly scent, closing your eyes.

"i love you ushijima" you quietly say to him

"i love you too y/n" he responds with another kiss to your forehead, before you both fall into a dreamless sleep.

i could always imagine ushiwaka being the tough kind of comforting. love him :). hope u enjoyed this chapter!!

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