atsumu miya-locker rooms

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WARNING: this chapter will contain sexual content! do not read if this makes you uncomfortable- you've been warned!

"'tsumu! we are going to get caught if we do it in here!" i hiss at my incredibly persistent boyfriend. atsumu had pulled me into the locker rooms at the gym where he would be practicing at in an hour. he asked for some quick sex which i was seriously starting to consider. atsumu was somewhat of an exhibitionist (someone who enjoys almost getting caught during sexual activities), so i suppose i shouldn't be too surprised by his request. we have had sex in public places before, but never in a place where any of his teammates could just walk in! 

"cmon y/n, ya know that ya want to," atsumu continued his sweet kisses on my neck.

"b-but what if we get caught?" i bite my lip to hold back a moan as atsumu continues to suck at my neck and massage my breasts. 

"don't worry babe, ya know i wouldn't let any of the boys see ya naked and spread out for me,"

"'tsumu there is nowhere for me to be spread out on! we are in the locker rooms!"

his warm breath hits my neck as he chuckles and i feel the shiver run up my spine at the sensation. completely ignoring everything i had just said, he removes his shirt before capturing my lips in a lustful kiss. 

oh what the hell. let's have sex in the locker rooms.

i pull away from the kiss and begin removing my shirt and bra. i pull my pants and underwear down to my knees, deciding it would probably be better to keep them where they could be pulled up quickly. 

"there you go baby. i knew ya'd give," 'tsumu smirks before attaching his lips on one of my breasts and sucking hard. he continues giving attention to both of my breasts as i palm him through his pants. he pulls away after leaving a few hickies in his favorite places and pulls his pants down past his knees as well. 

"wow y/n. no foreplay needed today? such a good girl for me," atsumu coos as he slides two fingers into me easily.

"i didn't expect the chances of being seen by some of my teammates would turn you on so much!" he laughs at my red and embarrassed face before pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"stop killing the mood 'tsumu! are you going to fuck me or will i have to ask sakusa-san to do it for you?" i knew mentioning sakusa would get atsumu to shut his trap and get to business.

"now you've done it y/n. that was on purpose huh?" there's no mistaking the dominant and lustful gleam in atsumu's gazing eyes as his eyes trail my body. he pulls me close to him, lifting one of my legs, and eases himself into my awaiting core.

"fuckk. you feel so good y/n, always so good for me." he groans, beginning to move at a quick pace.

"a-ah! right there 'tsumu, right there!" i cry out as his large member grazes the sensitive spot on the inside of my clenching walls. my nails slightly scratch at his bare and muscular back as i bite onto his shoulder. when there was a chance of getting caught, atsumu wasted no time in getting us both off quickly and efficiently. his thrusts speed up and our quiet moans fill the otherwise quiet locker rooms. nearing my high, i drop my hand to my clit and begin to rub small fast circles. 

"ya love when i fuck ya in places like this don't ya y/n? such a good girl, letting me take you like this whenever i want," atsumu mumbles out dirty things and groans in my ear. i cry out that i'm close and he urges me to come, as it usually pushes him over the edge too. i moan out a little too loudly as my climax reaches, and atsumu's soon follows. he pulls out and hands me a tissue, wiping the mixed come from both of our bodies. 

atsumu peppers my lips with sweet kisses as we finish dressing ourselves. i check my phone and see that the rest of his team should be arriving shortly.

"thanks for that babe. now i can have a good practice!" 

i laugh, "'tsumu you would've had a good practice either way."

he laughs as well and pulls me into his chest. "i'm serious though y/n. i love ya." 

"i love you too 'tsumu." 

-in locker rooms with team- 

"atsumu, what are all those scratches on you back? did someone bite you on your shoulder too? w-wait is that a hickey!" hinata cries out. the rest of the team turns to see atsumu's bare back, with the scratches and hickies on full display.

"well we all know what y/n and atsumu did earlier.." sakusa grumbles.

'good thing they'll never know where we did it!' atsumu thinks to himself with a smile. 

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