azumane asahi-sickness

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you set your phone down on the nightstand beside you after texting your boyfriend asahi that you wouldn't be making it to school today.
you'd woken up with a huge headache and high fever, so you were staying home to rest.

-small time skip-

after finishing the bowl of bland canned soup you'd warmed up for yourself, you decided to take a relaxing bath to clear your head and help your aching muscles relax.

while turning on the water and letting the bath fill up, you heard your phone ring from the other room.

'i bet it's asahi worrying his butt off' you think to yourself with a small smile.

"y/n are you ok?" you hear his worried voice through the phone.

"yes, i'm getting a bath ready right now. don't worry i've had my medicine and have been resting all morning. shouldn't you be in class?"

"i asked to use the restroom, you weren't responding to my texts!!"

"ah, sorry asahi" you reply with a small chuckle.

" sorry y/n i have to go now but i'll call you after practice! love you"

"love you too asahi." you say before hanging up.

once the bath is prepared with some bath salts, you strip your clothes and sink into the soothing water.

after your body begins to turn pruny you decide to get out and wear your favorite pajamas before heading into the living room to watch (favorite movie).

you pass time by playing games on your phone, drinking tea, and doing some homework.

right when you are about to drift off into a peaceful sleep, you hear a rapid knock on your door.

'ugh.' you think before dragging your feet to the front door.

after opening the door you're met with a very anxious looking asahi, who immediately pulls you into a warm hug.

"huh? asahi? shouldn't you be at practice?" you ask, your words slightly muffled by his clothing.

he releases you from the hug and you welcome him inside.

sitting down on the couch asahi tells you," daichi saw i couldn't focus knowing you were here sick and alone, so he let me go early.." he blushes lightly.

" awww you big ol' baby!!" you squeal, peppering his face with light kisses.

"is there anything i can get you?" he asks, the worry returning to his voice.

"i'm fine asahi. *achoo!* i just need some rest that's all!" you reassure him with a bright smile and a thumbs up.

"if you need anything just let me know and i'll be on it kay?" he says before pulling you into another warm hug.

you both decide on something to watch and settle onto the couch together; you're head on asahi's lap.

his large hands gently play with your hair, brushing stray pieces out of your gorgeous face.

before he knows it, your fast asleep.

'she's amazing' asahi thinks while looking down at your peacefully sleeping form.

apologies for not uploading for a few days, i hope you enjoyed this chapter, and requests are always welcome :)

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