yu nishinoya- cuddles

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this is the cuddling position i imagined while writing this^

you were sitting on the couch watching *favorite show* when you heard the front door slam.

"noya?" you call out

"yea it's me." you hear your boyfriend respond, a tinge of irritation in his usually happy voice.

you get up a walk to the kitchen, where nishinoya is searching the fridge for something to eat.

you hear him sigh in frustration as he asks you , "babe is there anything good to eat here?"

jeez what happened to him....

"no, i ordered some pizza that should be here soon though"

"k thanks. i'm gonna shower"

alright something definitely happened.

"anything else i can get you? you seem a little upset noya"

he runs a hand through his hair, sighing again.

"asahi wasn't at practice today and i'm starting to think he quit. so much pressure is on me with all these first years that don't have much experience. i need to start training a new libero y/n!" noya says sounding stressed and upset.

you walk up to him pulling your boyfriend into a tight hug. you are both about the same height making hugging very comfortable.

you rub you hand over his back trying to comfort your stressed love.
"hey don't worry! i'm sure everything will work out k? you just get cleaned up and we can cuddle after you eat. how's that sound?"

yu's face changing from sad to happy in a spilt second never fails to surprise you. he jumps up excitedly yelling,

" thanks y/n!! i'll be back in a flash love you!" nishinoya yells giving your cheek a quick peck before running upstairs to shower.

while he's in the shower the pizza arrives. you pay and get a plate ready for your probably starving boyfriend.

you hear noya running down the stairs, happy to eat some pizza.
after he finishes more than half the pizza, you clean up while he goes and gets a movie started.

"babe hurry uppp i wanna cuddle already!! i'm sleepyyy"

"ok ok i'm on my way you big baby" you respond with a laugh.

you plop on the couch next to nishinoya, and he immediately snuggles up next to his gorgeous girlfriend.

"mm you smell so nice y/n" noya murmurs into your hair with a smile.

"oh t-thank you" you blush at the simple compliment.

he never fails to have me blushing like a schoolgirl... i love it

"hey y/n look up at me for a sec" noya's voice pulls you out of your thoughts.

"what's u-" you never finish that sentence as your lips are suddenly against nishinoya's plump ones.

you smile and kiss him back, softly but lovingly.

"i love you noya" you say after pulling back.

"i love you too y/n. you always make me feel better" he responds with a bright smile

nishinoya is absolutely adorable :,)
let me know what you think! requests are always open <3

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