kuroo tetsurou- fights

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" what in the hell is wrong with you kuroo! how could you do this to me, after everything?!" you yelled at your boyfriend kuroo.

you had been sent a video from a friend, and in the video you were able to see kuroo sucking faces with (that one girl you hate).

"y/n please hear me out! i didn't kiss her back, she forced herself on me! i swear it!" kuroo desperately pleaded with you the pain evident in his voice.

"how do i know your not lying... all those late practices- how can i know you weren't lying and that you were actually with her!" you screamed, tears of frustration running down your rosy cheeks.

" babe please let's just talk about thi-"

"no. i'm done trying to talk things out with you, you never even listen!"

you push past him, quickly walking towards your shared room, locking the door, and packing a bag of clothes to last a few days. you were probably going to stay with your best friend or at a nearby hotel.

you hear the doorknob jiggle, and then a loud frustrated sigh follows.

"y/n please just let me in"
you hesitate before opening the door and pushing past your beloved, heading for the kitchen to get your car keys.

"kuroo where are my damn keys,"

"i have them" he replies calmly, slighting frightening you with his even tone.

"give them to me i'm going for a drive" you say as you put your hand out waiting for the keys.

instead kuroo grabs your hand and pulls you into a arm embrace, and oh how you missed being in his arms like this.

school and sports has kept you both so busy and sometimes you can feel a little neglected.

you are both are surprised when you don't push back, but instead break down even more with tears soaking his shirt.

"please kuroo just tell me, why'd you do it? are you tired of me?" you quietly ask, your voice and heart breaking with each word.

"oh y/n. i'm so so sorry. i swear on my life that that stupid girl forced herself on me. she had been hanging around after practice this week trying to talk to me, and once she realized it was never gonna happen with you around, she tried to ruin it. please princess i swear with everything that i love you and you only."  you hear kuroo respond while rubbing small circles on your back.

you feel some wet drops on your head and look up to see kuroo crying as well.

i've never seen him like this.. he must really mean it..

"do you promise?" you ask looking up at him.

"i promise with all my heart that is the truth. please forgive me y/n, i should've made it more obvious i wasn't interested in her."

"i forgive you." you say, your voice barley above a whisper.

you see more tears flow down his cheeks as he smiles and pulls you closer to him,
"anything for you y/n"

he says before gently closing the space between your lips and kissing you with so much passion and love you couldn't help but smile into the kiss.

"i love you tetsurou"

"i love you too y/n"

alright here's kuroo! i imagined him best in a scene like this. feel free to send requests/ suggestions for other characters :)

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