100k special-keishin ukai

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WARNING: this chapter will contain sexual content, read at your own risk! you've been warned!

my boyfriend of two years, keishin ukai, had recently moved in with me. we wanted to take our relationship to a deeper level and had agreed that this was the best way to do so. since living together, we had found ourselves a lot more... touchy than before. long days at work made us crave the touch and time together, and we found sex was a good way to get both of those. 

ukai coached a boys volleyball team while also working at the market his family owned, so he ended up being busy for most of the day. i too worked, but most days still made it home before ukai. i'd prepare our meal, we would eat and talk, get cleaned up, cuddle, and from there.. you get the idea. 

ukai had been gone the last few days for a tournament his team was playing in, and it was fair to say i missed him greatly. i was excited for him to be home, seeing as i'd be able to show him the lingerie i had ordered while he was away. 


"keishinn!! you're finally home, i missed you so much!" my boyfriend had just walked through our front door, and i immediately went to squeeze him. he smiled and squeezed me back. 

"i missed you too, princess," he said before placing a sweet kiss upon my lips. i let him unpack and shower, since i knew the drive back had been lengthy. once keishin was cleaned up, we shared a warm meal, where he told me all about the boys, their games, and the overall experience. 

"it sounds like you guys did great! i'm really proud of you keishin," i reached across the table to hold his hand. he smiled, standing to collect and wash our dishes. knowing that would take a few minutes, i decided to take this as my opportunity to change into the lingerie. 

leaving the table, i went to our bedroom and changed, while also adding a bit of lipgloss. i waited there until i heard the sink faucet turn off, and his footsteps head towards our bedroom. i sat on the bed eagerly.

"y/n, where'd you-" keishin's face changed from one of confusion to one of lust once he opened our door. "well there you are baby, i was lookin' for you,"

"hi keishin, wanna get into bed with me? it's been a while," i said with a teasing smile. he removed his shirt, before sitting on the edge of the bed, still facing me. "indeed it has princess,"

i moved closer to him, pressing my lips against his. our kiss brought our hands on each other, feeling skin we hadn't been able to in the time we were apart. i felt my body begin to heat with lust, and i knew keishin was feeling the same. i pulled away, and told keishin to lay against the headboard. 

he complied, and i straddled over him. i leaned forward, pressing my chest against his and our lips together once more. i rolled my hips against his and began to feel him grow hard. 

"keishin, take everything off." i told him as i pressed light kisses along the length of his neck. i got off his lap, and he did so. 

"i love when you tell me what to do princess," he said before pulling me into his lap again. his lips kissed my neck down to my chest. "this is a real pretty set you have on, but i know you're prettier without it. get bare for me?" i smiled, nodding and removing the lingerie set. 

because we were now both bare, i was able to feel him against my sensitive areas. he was as hard as i was wet, and we both knew. keishin was still sitting with his back against the headboard, with me in his lap. 

i rose myself up above him, before grabbing his length and positioning myself above him. i slowly lowered myself down, and felt the wonderful feeling of fullness rise in my once i was sitting completely on him. 

a moan left keishin's lips, and his hands gripped my hips tightly. "it's been too long princess," he said with another moan. i smiled, leaning in to kiss him as i also began moving my hips up and down. 

"i love the way you ride me princess," keishin moaned out. in only a few minutes we had quickly become sweating moaning messes, and i felt my release near. 

"k-keishin, i'm close," i said as i rested my head in the crook of his neck. his hands were teasing my breasts as i rode him, and he told me he felt close as well. keishin's hips soon rose to meet mine, and he was soon thrusting up as i was moving my hips down onto him. the pleasure grew great quickly, and i came undone. 

"mmm princess, you feel so good," keishin moaned as he finished as well. he pulled out and i lay beside him, catching our breaths. 

"i missed you,"

"i missed you too. you should come with me for the next tournament,"

i turned to face him. "you'd like that?"

he pressed a kiss against my lips. "of course i'd like that." i eagerly agreed, and pulled him into another kiss. having my boyfriend home was my favorite feeling. 


100K! that is absolutely insane, and in no way could have been achieved without every single one of you lovely readers. i never saw this story coming so far, and i'm so glad it has. reading the comments and seeing the reads go up each day inspire me to write more! 

although this story has been completed for a while, i had to write something for you all to celebrate 100,000 reads. i realized i had nothing written for ukai, so had to serve some of him ;) i hope you all enjoy! sending you all lots of love <3


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