daichi sawamura- mercy

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WARNING: this chapter will contain sexual content, read at your own risk! you've been warned!

if there was one thing everyone could agree on about daichi, it was that he never half-assed things. he always gave 100%.


"f-fuck y/n, like that," daichi moaned out my name languidly, causing between my legs to feel even more wet- if that was possible. i continued sucking his large member, enjoying the grip he had on my hair along with his low and hot moans. 

"good girl. get on the bed," i stood from being on my knees and sat on the edge of the bed as i was told. 

"lay back, and open your legs y/n," he ordered. i obeyed, enjoying the thought of the treatment i'd receive for being a good girl. i laid on my back with my legs open and waited for daichi's next move. 

he stood over me, holding his member in his hand. he got on his knees, with his face right in front of my core. taking two of his fingers, he pushed them inside, pumping at a slow pace.

"woah y/n, i don't even have to prepare you today. you're already soaking," daichi commented as he removed his two fingers from me, and pushed them in my mouth. i sucked until he was satisfied. he stood once again, positioning himself right in front of my entrance.


"yes, ye-" my words were cut short when he pushed into me with such strength i lost my breath. without even allowing me to adjust to his size, daichi continued pushing into me at a fast and deep pace. he had leaned over me, supporting his weight with his arms that were on the sides of my head. he buried his face in my neck, sucking gently while he thrusted into me. my nails left scratches down his toned back as we both moaned and panted each others names. 

daichi paused for a moment, catching his breath and staying inside me.

"alright y/n. on your hands and knees," those words alone were almost enough to make me come on the spot. i got on my hands and knees, pushing my chest into the mattress with my ass up. daichi positioned himself behind me and gripped at my waist with one hand, using his other to guide his member inside me. once he had fully sheathed himself, his other hand gripped at my waist as well.

he let out a loud groan and pulled almost completely out before strongly thrusting back in. daichi continued this for a few thrusts and each time we both let out some sort of pleasure filled sound. after repeating this action a few times he adjusted his focus on quick and deep thrusts. one of his hands gripped at my hair while the other held my waist. he thrusted in and out, in and out, until the only thing either of us could hear was the sound of the headboard slamming and our loud moans. 

"f-fuck! i'm close daichi!" i cried out.

"me too y-y/n," he panted from above me. 

with a few final movements we both reached our climaxes. i felt his warm seed fill me up and my eyes rolled back at the feeling. daichi stayed inside as we regained our composure. i had to bite my lip to hold back a moan when he pulled himself out of me and i felt our mixed come leak. 

"that was amazing as always y/n," daichi said as we cuddled on the bed, my head on his chest and his arm around my body. i agreed, and we both peacefully fell asleep soon after. 

since i started this one shot series with an xdaichi chapter, i felt i should end it with one as well :)

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