kenma kozume- unknown surprise

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"don't worry guys! i've been talking to him for a few weeks now, i really doubt it's some pervert!" you state confidently to your friends during lunch.

right now you and your friends were enjoying lunch in your classroom together. over the last few weeks, you had been spending your time gaming with a user under the name 'applepi'. all of your friends found this guy extremely sketchy, especially when he turned down all of your requests to facetime or meet up. he only talked to you through the mic and chats while gaming.

at first you were a little disappointed your online friend did not want to see you or show themselves, but you eventually decided it wasn't your choice to make.

tonight your friend had finally agreed to facetime while playing modern warfare, but your mystery friend also made sure to keep reminding you that he would not show his whole face.

"i'm not so sure y/n.. don't you remember being told not to talk to strangers? especially strangers online?" one of your friends asked me, obviously concerned about this whole situation.

"ya! what if he tries to steal your identity! or kidnap you?!" another one of your friends exclaimed.

'i hope nobody is eavesdropping on us.. this would be hard to explain.." i think to myself, feeling relieved when i looked around and didn't see anyone paying attention to us.

turning back to your friends you say, "guys, guys. don't worry! i'm sure my friend is just shy. and anyways, it's not like we are meeting up."

"meeting up? meeting up with who?" you hear a deep voice behind you, and turn to see the captain of your schools boys volleyball team.

"kuroo!" one of your friends squeals from their desk beside you.

"hey kuroo, what's up?" you ask cooly. you and kuroo were well aquatinted, as you were the captain of the girls volleyball team so the both of you often had meetings with the coaches and sports advisers to talk over future games and practices.

"actually i was thinking if the boys and girls team had a joint practice today? i want my team to focus on conditioning this week, and having the girls team around would be good motivation."

'that doesn't sound perverted at all..' you think to yourself, sweat dropping slightly.

"uhm, isnt that weird?" one of your friends asks behind you. you bite you lip stifling the laugh that threatens to come out.

kuroo rubs the back of his neck sheepishly, "uh.. kinda. if it's too weird we don't have too-"

"we'll do it."

"yea?," kuroo sounds surprised, and by the looks of your friends around you, they are too.

"yeah! i think it'd be a good way to motivate both teams, even if it is in a sort of weird way." you give a small laugh at the end of your sentence, amused at the odd way of motivating the volleyball players.

kuroo thanks you and leaves to his class. one of your friends tells you how 'lucky' you are to be able to practice with all the boys, but you laugh and assure her that practicing with a ton of sweaty and loud boys is not as great as it seems.

- time skip to joint practice -

"y/n will you shut up about this mystery guy already!" one of your teammates yells at you while you are taking a short water break.

"you've been talking about him all day y/n.. is he really that special?" another girl from the team asks you.

"o-oh! i didn't realize how much i talked about him, sorry guys!" you respond sheepishly, embarrassed by the fact you had your teammates scolding you for talking too much about a boy.

after running, weigh training, and many water breaks later, the joint practice is finally over.

"good work today everyone! tomorrow boys and girls will be in their respective gyms, and we will work on drills!" kuroo announces to the teams before dismissing everyone.

you begin to walk in the direction of your home with one of your friends, but stop when you hear kuroo call for you to stay behind and talk with him. you bid your friend a good night and walk over to meet kuroo, who has someone standing behind him, focusing intently on the phone in his hand.

"hey kuroo. and ..?"

"oh! i don't believe you two have met. this is our incredible setter, kenma!" kuroo proudly introduces the setter of the boys team.

"hey y/n. nice to meet you." kenma quietly says, barley looking up from his phone to meet your eyes.

'his voice! i feel like i've heard him before..?'

dismissing the thought, you and kuroo talk more about joint practices in the future.

you check the time on your phone and are shocked to see it's almost time for you to get home and facetime your mystery friend.

"i'm sorry to cut this short kuroo but i have someone to call by 9:30 tonight!"

kuroo smiles knowingly, which sort of creeps you out.

"uh, why are you smiling like that kuroo?" you hesitantly ask.

"kenma actually told me earlier today that he also had to call someone at 9:30 this evening. i found it odd when you kept rambling on and on about this boy you've been gaming with for the last few weeks, because kenma has actually mentioned a girl that he has been gaming with in the last few weeks as well."

hearing his name, kenma looks up from his phone, but instead of replying to what kuroo said, he turns to leave. kuroo grabs him by the collar of his shirt pulling him back beside him.

"kenma is your gamer tag 'applepi'?" you ask quietly.

"u-uhm. yeah. it is. is yours (ur gamer tag)?"


kuroo smiles and pats you both on the shoulder, slightly pushing each other closer together.
"i knew it had to be kenma because it was just too big of a coincidence for you both to be actually talking about calling someone at the same time on the same day!" kuroo laughs loudly and gives another of his creepy smiles.

"well i guess now we don't have to facetime?" you laugh, nerves racking your body. you never thought your online friend would be from your school! and the fact you both play volleyball, and have had so many other things in common is really great in itself.

"would you like to come over and play at my house? kuroo can come too if you want. since we know each other now, it'd be silly to play so far apart." kenma asks you gently, actually meeting your eyes when he talks to you.

"o-of course! i'll have to run it with my parents first but i'd love to!"

you smile brightly, and later that night, have one of the best nights gaming with two of your new best friends.

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