kotaro bokuto-reassurance

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bokuto should be home by now... what's taking him so long? you wondered to yourself, beginning to feel uneasy because bokuto is never home later than four pm, and if he has a setback he's always sure to tell you.

instead of sulking and worrying, you decided to send bokuto one last text before facetiming your cousin who was currently visiting the country, only a few cities away from you.

after two rings, (cousins name) answers the call.

"hey y/n! long time no see! how've you been?" your cousin enthusiastically asks you, smiling through the phone.

"all has been well with me, but it's been so long since we've seen each other! we really should meet up soon, yea?"

"meet up with who?" you hear bokutos voice behind you, the light heartedness in his voice absent.

you turn around to greet him, giving a small smile, "hey baby. give me a minute kay? i'm on the phone." you say to your boyfriend.

not responding, bokuto turns around and leaves the room. you and your cousin continue your conversation for another five minutes before saying your goodbyes and ending the call.

"bokuto!" you call out his name, not being able to find him in the living room or kitchen.

you walk into your shared bedroom, and see your boyfriend sitting underneath the desk, holding his knees and sulking.

"baby? what's the matter?" you ask as you walk up to him, crouching beside him and softly rubbing his back.

"you blew me off earlier y/n. you seemed worried over text and when i come home you just told me to wait." bokuto softly says, sticking out his bottom lip and pouting.

you continue to rub his back, and then grab his hand and pull him up from underneath the desk.

"bokuto i was talking to my cousin who i haven't seen in years. i didn't mean to make you feel that way. i'm happy you're home safely now." you say to him with a small smile, wrapping your arms around his waist and holding him closely.

he hugs you back almost immediately, resting his head on top of yours and giving a small smile.

"i knew you wouldn't blow me off like that without a good reason!! you're the best y/n i love you so much!!" bokuto says to you after pulling away from the hug. he smiles brightly as you both face each other.

"i love you too bokuto" you say with a light laugh to your childish boyfriend.

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