fifteen | marked by the devil

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not me going back and changing chemistry to biology because i am a literal dumbass who can't remember all the details in her own book pfft continue on 😫😭

"you all are assigned a group project over ecosystems and how specific animals live and strive in their habitat as well as a food chain pyramid of your specific ecosystem. each group is required to write an essay explaining the ecosystem you chose as well as the drawing of your food pyramid!"

i clicked my pen, bored out of my mind and annoyed over the fact that we were assigned another project. it was literally the third one this semester!

"for this time around i will let you all choose your partners, get started, your projects will be due this friday!"

today was wednesday, nearly half way to the end of the week, so we only have half of today and tomorrow.

we also had a pep-rally this friday and i knew uraraka is wanting to attend it just to see the hot seniors, as well as prom king and queen nominees.

"so, wanna be partners?"

shinsou had popped me out of my thoughts and i quickly nodded my head.

"of course! but what should we do it over?"


the boy hummed and i couldn't help but admire him.

i can't believe katsuki had the audacity to say that shinsou was using me. it was quite hard to push a crush out of your life when you end up hanging out with their relative.

"how about we do it over a forest biome?"

i shrugged my shoulders, not really caring what ecosystem we did.

"ya! that seems fair. we can walk to my house after school and get started."

after school shinsou had used a dollar to get a pack of skittles from the vending machine that was filled with an assortment of candy.

"you still have my hoodie?"

he snickered, tearing open the red packaging pouring a few skittles into the palm of his hand and popped them in his mouth, pulling his head back in the process.

"y-yeah, sorry for not returning it."

i did feel kind of guilty. i mean his cigarettes and lighter still rested in the pouch pocket, but luckily the hoodie is still on my desk chair.

"it's all good babe."

okay, no we aren't dating! but like i told katsuki, we are simply testing the waters before actually jumping into an actual relationship. i mean shinsou was a nice guy and simply he wasn't like katsuki what so ever, he actually listens to what i have to say. but i am still trying to get over the blonde, but obviously he's making it even harder.

he's always like that! headstrong and always jumps to conclusions, especially loves making assumptions about others.

i hadn't realized that i was so caught up in thought that shinsou and i were already out the school, feeling his hand in mine pulling me back into his chest.

"something is on your mind, what is it?"

sometimes some things are best kept secretive, but it also isn't good to keep them bottled up.

"it's just...katsuki. yesterday ura and i hung out at her house then when i was going to get a drink from the kitchen he stopped me and confronted me,"

shinsou didn't say a word, just wore this confused look upon his face as his violet eyes peered down at me making me feel vulnerable.

"and...he said that you were using me. i mean it's not like we're dating or anything but—"

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