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I'll be there soon 🤧

Sure, there's like a
sanitization thing

as soon as you walk through
the metal detector,

so don't worry about bathing
in sanitizer

as soon as you enter the

Jaemin chuckled as he parked his car and shut the door, putting the phone in the left jean pocket as he walked through the metal detector, carrying a backpack on his shoulders with books and some clothes, perfume, and a navy duffel bag in the right hand.

Red colored his cheeks as he thought about how living with Kayla would be. They both are close, very very close, but Jaemin's obvious crush on Kayla will just make it worse for him, with an insecurity that he will embarrass himself in front of her.

Kayla looked up from her phone as she heard the doorbell, hurriedly walking towards the apartment door, before stopping and checking in the full length mirror placed right before the doorway area. She was wearing a yelow hoodie with black leggings, it was getting colder in Los Angeles recently, so she preferred something a little warm even though she has an inbuilt house temperature setter, because she gets sick easily.

The door opened, and they both smiled at each other as Kayla stepped away to give Jaemin space to walk in, and then she closed the door behind him.

Jaemin sat on the couch, politely placing his luggage on the floor, and before he could even ask, Kayla said,
"You can use literally any room you like, even mine it doesn't matter."
He chuckled, "i won't use your room even though i know you'll be cool with letting me do that, but I'll use some other room"

She chuckled, "Okay choose your room while i check on those brownies i made for you, and then I'll cook something for us"

Jaemin stood up as he thought of which room he should stay in, since he already knew her house so well. That thought was interrupted when he thought about Kayla's words again,

"Choose your room while i check on the brownies i made for you"

His cheeks turned pink, She remembered his favorite desert and made it for him.

Okay Na Jaemin, we get it, you're in love.

He walked to the room which actually ended up being the room next to Kayla's. He chose it not because it's next to Kayla's room, but because he likes the vibes and aesthetics.

He neatly placed all his clothes and stuff in the closet and the shelves, before changing into grey sweatpants and a while shirt, as he ran his hand through his hair and walked out of his room.

He sat down on the couch next to Kayla, as she placed the brownies on the table in front of them.

"Wanna cook something or order?"
He smiled, "I'll cook"
"No I'll cook"
"But i want to"
"But i also want to"
"I'll cook, you made the brownies"
"You know what, let's cook together"

So after that, They made pizzas.

Kayla threw the trash in the garbage can.
"So what do you want to do?"

Jaemin laughed, "why do you seem so awkward? We've been friends for like 5 years something"

Kayla laughed, "I don't know, i mean we've been friends for a long time, but like haven't lived together or something, so it feels a little awkward"

He chuckled, "It's alright, I understand. Also-"
Kayla's phone rang, and she picked it up,


"Jaehyun" she smiled at Jaehyun, who was in his dorm, smiling as well, on the face time.

Jaemin yelled, Kayla chuckled and handed him the phone as he smiled widely at Jaehyun on the video call.

"Jaemin na~ did you move in?"
Jaemin nodded, "Yeah i did today"

After talking for sometime with Jaehyun, they ended the call and Kayla went to the bathroom, byt before that said "You can look around my room while you're at it  because i know you won't even enter it unless i say so"

Jaemin chuckled and went in her room, the first thing he was welcomed by was a warm hug by natural kind of scent which is basically her daily perfume. He glanced around the room to see an acoustic guitar hanging on the wall, with bass and electric guitar right in front if it on the floor ; drums right next to them and even a piano, all of this was on the left side of the room. Before all of this, there was a mirror from top to the bottom which covered half of the wall, ending just before the foot of the bed.

On the right side, there was a computer table with a music production set up with microphones and everything, and there is also a vanity with a lot of fragrances and accessories on the top.

The ultimate gray rug was neatly placed right before the bed in the middle of the room. The bed had a lot of calm tone colored pillows, and a laptop was on it with a pair of headphones and a pair of earphones next to it. On the both side tables next to the bed, one had a bottom part

He smiled, thinking about how much Kayla utilizes all her skills and practices them daily.

"Hey I'm back"
"Oh your room just perfectly defines perfectly defines you"

Kayla laughed, "yeah, everyone says that, i just kind of have all the things i love here, so i don't even go out of my room to be honest"

They chuckled, as Kayla continued, "it kind of feels lonely sometimes, but now that you're here, that problem's solved as well"

Jaemin smiled, "Of course I'll never leave you alone. Especially when we watch IT"

"No please no" She whined, be laughed harder, "no no just no, i don't know why i hate clowns but no"

He laughed, "okay okay, let's complete our assignments then, since we really don't got anything to do"

Kayla smiled and nodded, "okay"

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