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I nodded and chuckled, as Heejin yelled while looking around.

I turned to my right, to see Jaehyun just staring at me. I chuckled, "what?"

"What are you hiding Kayla? How did you make this money?"

I gulped before sitting on the couch, "I worked Jaehyun"

He raised an eyebrow, "Work? What kind of work Kayla? A work that pays you a million dollars?"

Heejin came back and sat down on the couch in front of us, listening to our conversation.

"I started busking, working at cafes and tutoring just to have enough amount to buy this place" I stared at the floor, while replying.

"Kayla, they don't make you collect a million in what two years? What else did you do?" Heejin asked, I just sighed.

"Kayla..." I looked up at Jaehyun, who held my hands making me face him.

"I was speculating this for a while, but I thought that I was overthinking. But now when I think about it..." he sighed, before facing me again, I kept my head down.

"Kayla...was Taeyong paying you everytime you had something with him?"

I stayed silent. He placed his hands on my cheeks and gently made me look up and meet his eyes.

He whispered which a small comforting smile, "no need to hide angel, you did that for a reason. But did he ever force you or something?"

I shook my head, "no... he always asked me before we did something. And if I didn't wanted to, he didn't" Jaehyun nodded.

Heejin stood next to me and put her hand on my shoulder,
"We are here for you Kayla" I smiled, "Thanks guys"

The next day

I arrived at the school building with Jaehyun beside me.

Before I entered the classroom, Jaehyun turned me to face him and put his hands on my shoulders.

"If he tries to talk to you, tell me okay" I nodded with a sigh, he gave me a small smile.

"I know it hurts Kayla. I'll support you in whatever decision you make okay? Just remember, you deserve happiness" He said, a smile crept over my face,

"Thank you Jaehyun. I really mean it" I hugged him and he hugged me back, as I tried to not let tears spill out of my eyes and gulped.

He tightened the hug for a second before letting go and I smiled at him, before walking inside the room.

I glanced at my old usual seat, the one where I sat alone.

Yes! it's empty!

I sat down on the seat and placed my bag on the seat next to mine, resting my head on the desk as my folded hands served as a pillow, and closed my eyes, sighing.

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