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Hanging Out

"Wake the fuck up, we're going to be late"

I heard Ciara say, i nodded still laying on the air mattress.

My parents fought again yesterday. I left the house and went to Ciara's and slept there.

What we do is, We set up couches in a square and get some huge lamps, the ones which are taller than us. Then, we place a sheet on the top, all four corners tied to four lamps. Get a laptop, food, our phones, watch a movie and fell asleep.

Standing up and stretching my arms, I walked towards the lamp and remove the sheet from it. We started cleaning up then, Ciara went for a shower in the other room while I did in her room.

Ciara lives alone, her parents let her. She even offered me to move in with her, and says the offers still up. My parents will never let me.

Getting ready, I walked out of the room as Ciara took her car keys.

"Can I drive?" I asked her,

"Sure" she nodded, throwing the keys at me, I caught them then we walked out of the house, not before closing the door, of course.

"So Starbucks, McDonald's or Chick-fil-A?" I asked her, while driving.

"McDonald's please" she said and then turned up the song on the radio.

Me! By Taylor Swift and Brendon Urie.

"Hey, can I have a number 5 with medium fries and a number 7 with medium fries and medium coke?" I asked at the drive thru.

"How can you eat this without a drink, that shit is dry!"

"You know I don't really like coke" I rolled my eyes.

"By the way, is Jaemin really in DNYL?" She asked me, popping a fry in her mouth.

"Yeah" I said as I took a bite of my burger then, wrapping it again in the tissue, and placing it down, continuing to drive.

"He was the one who dropped me off at Lucas's yesterday"

"Really?" Her eyes widened. I nodded and stopped my car at the stop light near the school.

"Damn girl, get it on" She exclaimed. I finished my burger and ate my last fry and she did too.

"No Ciara" I said, " the guy just had a breakup, which was certainly painful for him. I'll never. Besides, I'm in DNYL to get over him so...."

She nodded, "we'll see what happens"

Walking into the school, we saw Daniel first.

"Hey guys!" He smiled.

"Yo bro" I fist-bumped him

"Hey babe" they kissed and I pretended to gag, Ciara slapped me lightly at the back of my head and I chuckled.

I looked to see Chenle, waving at me, from a distance.

"Guys, I'll see you in class" I said and they nodded.

"Hey Chenle" I smiled as I walked over to him.

"Hey Kayla, oh hey-"

"Guess who I am~" Someone placed their hands on my eyes.

I know who that is.

"Umm... Haechan"




"I know, I know, Yuta"

"I'm offended"

The hands were removed and I turned around to see... Taeyong.

Of course, I knew it was him.

I met his eyes and realized that we were just 5 inches apart, I took a step back.

Why did my heart just... flutter?

"Of course I knew it was you dumbass, I was playing"

"If you didn't, I would've killed you" he said and we laughed.

"Hey Mirk" I said As he walked towards us.

"I told you not to call me that" he gave me an annoyed glare.

"I told you I wouldn't listen"
And we all had a laugh.

"Guys , is that Jeno with... Suzy?"

We all turned to where Chenle was looking, Jeno looked angry and Suzy had one of those mean bitches face.

Then I glanced towards Jeno's hands. They were red and turned into a fist. That's when I knew I had to step in.

"Hey Jeno, oh hey Suzy" I smiled at them.

Suzy's expression immediately changed to a happy one.

"Hey Kayla"

I glanced towards Jeno.

"Um... Jeno can I talk to you for a second?"

He nodded, I looked towards Suzy,
"I hope you don't mind"

She shook her head " I don't"

Then, I pulled Jeno's arm and took him towards the other direction.

"What happened?" I asked him as we were far away from Suzy.

"She's a fucking bitch" He growled as veins on his arms became prominent.

"What? What did she say?" I caressed his arm, giving him comfort as he opened his fists.

"Can  we talk somewhere more private?" He asked, and glanced around to other students.

I nodded and we walked to the area of garden of the school.

"Now, tell me what happened?" I asked him, in most comfortable voice possible.

He signed,"before Jaemin and Suzy started dating, me and..." He took a breath.

"Me and Suzy had a fling-ish and hooked up a couple times. She secretly recorded one of those and is threatening me that she will leak it, if I don't convince Jaemin to get back together with her"

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