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"Why did you want to meet up so urgently, even though we are meeting up in thirty minutes anyway?"

I sighed and took a sip of my coffee,
"It's about Kayla and Jaemin"

He asked confused, "What about it?"

I looked outside the window, it was snowing. Some couples were walking hand in hand, giggling with each other, some families were there where parents were laughing at their child's cuteness and excitement, a few high schoolers and college students who couldn't go home like me and were alone, their lips also formed a comforting smile as the snow fell.

"I'm thinking of giving her up for Jaemin"

"What do you mean-"

"Yes Doyoung" I sighed and stared at my coffee, "I have to"

I looked up, he blinked in confusion, "But do you not love her..?"

"More than anything in this world" my lips raised into a smile as I took a sip again.


I sighed, raising my shoulders with a smile ,"it's just, I know something. She'll be more happier with him"

"But Tae-"

"No buts" I stood up as my coffee cup was empty and took my car keys, "See you at the party. Don't worry, I already paid for the coffee"

"But hyung-"

I walked out of the cafe as the door bell ringed and walked out, listening to people playing Christmas tunes nearby. With my hand in the pockets of my long coat, I blinked backed tears and sighed, with a genuine smile on my face.

Four years, four years since I fell in love with her. I still remember when I first moved to California, away from my parents, my sister and her husband, my precious nephew, I missed my family so much. But on my first day of school I met her. Girls surrounded me, asking for my number, but my eyes were set on her already. She was chasing around Haechan for something when we bumped into each other. That embarrassment on her face and that shy smile, my heart literally bursts and that cuteness. I got closer to her in dance club, and then we started to eat lunch together.

A sigh escaped my lips, my first love...

I put my hand in my inner pocket of the coat, and found the boxes. I smiled, opening one and staring at the beautiful piece of art.

But it's of no use now...

I looked up to see a homeless man, who was sitting at the roadside, smiling at the falling snow.

I crouched down in front of him, he met my eyes as I smiled widely, placing the ring in his hands,

"Merry Christmas"

And without letting him object, I walked away and sat in my car, driving to Kayla's house, with tears streaming down my face but I didn't wipe them, they'll stop on their own.

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