The Midnight Kiss

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Few months after Livvy's death

It was midnight, Kit stood in front of Ty's room, thinking if Ty would be awake or asleep. It had been few months since Liyyy died, Annabel's blade protruding out her chest. The Blackthorn's and Emma haven't been themselves since. Especially Ty. Kit couldn't imagine the pain of losing someone so close to you in front of your eyes. He didn't even remember his mother's face. And his father, well, he did loose his father in front of him when the demons decided to eat him alive.

Ty was devastated. Livvy was his twin, after all. He wouldn't eat or train, and Angel knows if he had slept well in these past few months. He doesn't talk to anyone except Kit and sometimes maybe Julian. But for the past few days, he is even worse. Kit could understand that by just looking at him.

Kit was worried. He couldn't watch him like this. The thought of seeing Ty, sad and devastated, hurt too much. Ty, with his thick black hair and grey eyes, unlike other Blackthorns, who have brown hair and blue-green eyes. He should be happy , he has to get over Livvy's death.

Kit still needed to process what his feelings towards Ty meant. He likes Ty, more than anyone else in the world. But, he didn't know if that feeling was romantic or just platonic.
He was afraid. What if his feelings towards Ty turned out to be romantic? What would he do? Would he tell Ty? What if Ty doesn't feel that way about him? He didn't want to stand in front of Ty and make a fool of himself.

Kit still remembered that time on the roof of the institute when Ty had asked him to hold on to him.
"Tell me",Kit had asked, "Tell me what you need"
"Put your arms around me," the other boy had replied," Hold on to me".
So he had. And he still remembered the feeling of Ty in his arms. He had felt as if Ty was the most delicate thing on earth.

And he also remembered what Livvy had said. "He uses headphones less when you're around," She had said, "I think he just doesn't want to miss anything you say".

Kit just stood there, contemplating going in. He didn't even knew what he was doing here in the middle of the night. Maybe he wanted to make sure if Ty was alright. Or maybe he just wanted to see him or talk to him.

Kit turned the knob and let himself in.


The windows to Ty's room were open. It was cold in here, gentle wind coming in. Moonlight was shimmering off the suface of the walls. The room was neat and organized as always. Shelves were lined with books. His books were sorted according to the colour, with his favorite colours near his bed and the ones he didn't like hidden from view in nooks or corners. Sherlock Holmes stories, his most loved books, sat on the bedside table. On the bed was Ty, asleep.

Ty slept on his side, his back to the window. He looked different. Thin, weak and pale. But, thank the Angel, he was atleast sleeping. Kit walked soundlessly over to the bedside table and sat on the floor facing Ty. Now that he was near, he could see Livvy's locket that Ty was wearing. He had seen Ty climb the pyre of Livvy to retrieve this locket. Kit had later learned that, it was the Blackthorn family locket. The necklace is a gold chain with a slim disk of metal on it. On the front is the family symbol, a wreath of thorns, and on the back is a pair of sabers, Livvy's favorite weapon, that Julian had etched on it. Ty's headphones were placed on the bedside table. There were few photographs scattered on the other side of the bed. He saw teenage Mark and Helen with little Julian and Emma holding two babies in one picture. In another one, he could see all the Blackthorn's playing on the beach.

Ty clutched a picture in his hands too. In this one, Kit could see a brown haired little girl and a black haired little boy, holding hands and playing on the shore. He could, without doubt, tell that it was Little Ty and Little Livvy.

Kit looked at Ty. He looked peaceful when he was asleep, without any grief and pain. Though he looked weary, Ty was still beautiful. Though he didn't have features of his immediate family, he bears resemblance to his ancestors, whose portraits Kit had seen hanging on the walls in the dining room of the institute.

Kit cupped Ty's cheek and whispered, " I can't see you like this Ty, you have to get over it." He then leaned in and kissed the other boy's forehead. Why would you do that? A voice inside his mind asked. Maybe he imagined it, but the voice sounded a bit like Ty's. He didn't have answer for the question. Or maybe he did and he didn't want to acknowledge it.

Kit was staring at Ty when the sleep kicked in.

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