Love and Kindness

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                 Dru was on her way to the kitchen, still thinking about how devastated Kit had looked when he came out of Ty's room, when Emma joined her.

                 " Good Morning, Dru."

                 "Hey, Emma!" Dru greeted and asked, " What's for breakfast?"

                  " Jules is making pancakes," she said, " Tavvy is already down in the kitchen."

                  "Never one to miss pancakes, my little brother." They both laughed and descended down the stairs and walked into the kitchen.

                    Jules was in his apron, mixing the batter. Helen was helping him. And Mark was offering to help, which Jules outright refused. Dru assumed it was Jules' life mission never to let Mark do any of the kitchen related stuff. She couldn't blame him. Last time Jules left Mark on kitchen duty, he had nearly destroyed the kitchen. So Mark  gave up and sat beside Cristina in dismay. But soon he started to cheer up. Everyone did when they were around Cristina, she was an angel. Cristina was drinking coffee, which Dru suspected was not her first one today. Cristina loved coffee, she might even get married to it.

               Dru sat down beside Tavvy, who looked at the batter of pancake as if it was the most wonderful thing in the world right now. Which, ofcource, it was. Emma went up to Jules and kissed him. They were a cute couple, just like Helen and Aline, who was playing with her wife's blonde curls.

               Mark and Cristina were talking and laughing. Even when they were laughing, Dru could see the sadness in both of their eyes. They missed Kieran. Dru did too, he was really nice to her and watched horror movies with her. Mark and Cristina, were happy together right now, but they were not whole. Kieran is the only one who can fill that hollowness inside their heart.

              Julian cooked his first pancake, and gave it to Tavvy, whose face lit up like a shining star. Jules watched Tavvy stuff that pancake into his mouth and smiled. But his face looked weary. As if he had been...... crying. He missed Livvy, as everyone did. But Julian, Dru thought, didn't wanted to show his emotions in front of his younger siblings. Which might make it even difficult for them to cope from Livvy's death, or so he thought. They all knew how strong Julian was. He didn't have to show them anything. He can cry in front of them and share his grief with them, but Jules didn't seem to understand.

               Dru was so lost in thought that she didn't notice when Kit came and sat beside her.

               " Hey Kit, Good morning," Jules said, "just give me a few minutes, I'll make pancakes for both you and Ty, so that you can eat together in his room." Ever since Livvy died, Ty didn't eat with them, so Kit had to take breakfast to his room and they both would eat together.
                  Kit was trying really hard(and without any luck), to be cheerful and look happy. He looked miserable. He looked like he didn't sleep at all last night. His eyes were red, as if he had been crying all night. And his hair was dishelved, like he was out in the open all night. Maybe he was.

                Jules set down two plates full of freshly prepared pancakes in front of Kit.

               Kit hesitated, "You know what, I think I'll skip breakfast today. I'm not hungry"

              Jules knew better than to argue with an Herondale. So he said, " Fine, you can eat whenever you want."

             "Okay", Kit replied and took a sudden interest in the tiles of the kitchen.

              Jules waited. And after some moments he asked, " Aren't you going to bring Ty his breakfast?"

              Kit looked up from where he was inspecting the tiles. And swallowed.

              "Actually, you should be the one to bring Ty his breakfast today. Don't you think?"

             " Er. No", Jules responded, "I don't think Ty wants anyone but you in his room"

              " I...I have to go somewhere. It's urgent." Kit said and hurried out of the kitchen.

              "What's with him?" Emma asked.  "Never seen him acting like this before."

             "He acted really weird."  Admitted  Cristina.

               " I don't know," said Jules, " but someone has to take breakfast to Ty's room."

                Everyone looked doubtful. Ty didn't really got along with anyone except Livvy and Kit and sometimes Jules.

              "I'll go." Volunteered Dru.

          Jules blinked , " Are you sure, Dru?" he asked.
            " Yeah. I am quite sure." Dru confirmed.


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