The Dead Of Night

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         Dru was trying hard to sleep, it was the dead of night, but sleep wasn't at her service tonight.  She was still worried about Ty. And was still wondering where Kit was and if had come back.

          Dru left her room and started wandering around the institute. She felt like a character in a horror movie, stupidly walking around a big house at the middle of the night.

          Her heart leapt when she saw that the lights in Kit's room were on. She ran to the door and knocked.

          "Who is it?" , asked Kit's voice.

         Dru didn't answer. Instead she threw open the door and kicked it shut behind her.


       Kit was standing by his bed. Michael Buble's 'Feeling good' was playing in the background. Dru wasn't sure if Kit was really feeling good after what happened last night.

      Kit looked really nervous. " I-I was at the beach."

        "You wanna try again?"


        "I was at the beach and you weren't there."

        Kit was silent for a minute and then said, "Why were you looking for me anyway?"

       "Ty wants to talk to you. He waited all day for you and you weren't there."

       "Why-why does Ty want to talk to me?"

        The way he said Ty's name. Soft and still filled with fondness. Ah, true love, she thought.

        "I don't know. Maybe if you get your ass to his room you will know!"

        She didn't care about the language she was using. She didn't care about anything. She was really pissed.

       "I don't think he wants to talk to me, Dru."

       "He does want to-". She noticed it then. Kit's bed was scattered with clothes and there was a duffel bag nearby. "What are you doing? WHERE IN ANGEL'S NAME ARE YOU PLANNING TO GO! WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?"

         "I called Jem and Tessa." He answered.


          "Remember when I was in the Silent City after the war? And Tessa came and told me about my heritage?"

          "Yeah, Jem told us. You are the descendent of the First Heir or something. You are part-faerie. But what does that have to do anything?"

        "Tessa offered me something. She told me that I could be with them. In Devon. She said it was to protect me from the Riders. But I refused. I hadn't wanted to leave Ty."

        " But now you called them and told them you will live with them. By the Angel, Kit. What have you done?  You are going to leave us. Leave Ty. If he finds out that you are going to leave him then-"

        "I didn't know what I should do. Ty doesn't want me anymore."

          "Oh, I know what you should do." She grabbed his hand pulled him out of his room, towards Ty's room. "You should go kiss my brother!"

           "WHAT?", shrieked Kit.

         Dru realised what she had just said. "I mean, you should go talk to him."

          "I don't think that's a good idea, Dru."

         "I think it's a brilliant idea."

          They reached Ty's room. "Get in."
         " I still don't think it's a good idea."

        " Oh, By the Angel, Kit." She said, opening the door and pushed him in and closed the door behind him.

         When Kit was in, she sighed. If Ty finds out Kit is going to leave him, he wouldn't able to take it. But now is not the time to think about it. She was just excited about what's going on inside. But she knew she shouldn't eavesdrop again.

         So Dru stepped away from the door and walked towards her room. All the way thinking about her OTP.

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