Unexpected Visitors

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Ty walked out of the institute and made his way towards the beach. The sky was grey and cloudy. The smell of rain was in the air.

Ty couldn't understand how he felt. Last night, he was with Kit, they were both happy and close but now he had found out that Kit was leaving. He was angry and miserable.

"Ty", a voice shouted from behind him. Ty didn't need to turn around to know that it was Kit. He would recognize that voice even if he was in the darkest of places with no memory of who he was.

"Ty, please. It's not that I want to leave you. Please understand."

Ty didn't stop. He kept walking along the shore, the waves almost touching his feet, until Kit got hold of his arm and turned him around.

They were now face to face with each other and so close that they could almost kiss.

"Why are you leaving then?"

"Because I want to have a family. People who will really care for me. People who will have time for me, unlike my father."

"You have us. You have the Blackthorns. Don't we all care we for you?"

"I didn't say that you didn't. You do. But Jem and Tessa offered me a home. They will look after me. They will care for me. And they will love me. I know they will. So please let me have this, Ty."

"But... if you leave, what about me? I'll be all alone without you."

"Me leaving doesn't mean that I will stop loving you, Ty. Nothing will stop me from loving you. Even when we are miles apart, you will always be with me. And besides, you will not be alone here. You have your family."

Ty stood there looking at Kit. His blond hair dishelved and ruffled by the wind. His light blue eyes filled with tears looking at him. Kit took his face in his hands, came closer and touched their foreheads together.

"Don't you ever think that I'll stop loving you."
Ty nodded, he was crying and it was starting to rain, but he didn't care. He had Kit with him now. He will have Kit with him in the future. Always.

Ty closed the distance between them and brought his lips to Kit's.


Kit staggered back by the force of it but soon held his ground and kissed him back. Ty's face was in his hands. His thumb grazed the other boy's cheekbone. He couldn't belive what was happening. He was kissing Ty. He was kissingTy. And Ty was kissing him back.

Ty's one hand was gripping his shirt and the other was tugging at his hair. Their bodies were pressed against each other which only encouraged them to kiss more. Ty loosened his grip on him and softened their kiss. Ty's lips were soft against his. It was raining and they were soaking but the only thing that mattered was this kiss and nothing else.

"Well, well, well!", a voice spoke. It came from above them. Both him and Ty looked up.
Six figures were floating in the air. They were all wearing bronze armours. The armours looked as if they had melded themselves within the warrior's skins. They each carried a longsword and looked eager to use them. "At last, we meet again, Lost Herondale and the only remaining descendent of the First Heir."

Kit knew who they were. He would never be able to forgive them or forget them. He still had nightmares about them. These were the people who had killed his mother. These were the warriors who had come to kill him now. They were the Riders of Mannan.


Note: I know that the Riders of Mannan are dead but this is an alternate universe, in case you forgot. In this universe, only the Rider who was killed by Emma is dead. The others are still alive.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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