Where There Is Hope

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            It was time. Kit should have brought him breakfast by now, Ty thought. He was in his room, sleep deprived, pacing every inch of it. Every morning around this time, the door to his room would open, and Kit would come in holding a tray in his hand, wearing his charming smile.

             But today, Ty thought, might be different. Kit wouldn't come in wearing his smile, or worse, he might not come at all.

             The door opened, and Ty jumped up,  "Kit, I thought you would never come back-" But it was not Kit who came in through the door. It was his little sister, Dru.

              He knew all along that Kit wouldn't show up today.

              But still, he had hoped otherwise.



              Dru felt sorry for Ty. The way his face had lit up when she opened the door........ He must have been expecting Kit.
The spark left his eyes as soon as he realised it was not Kit, but her.

             "Oh. Dru." Ty said, " I thought it was Kit. Isn't he there? Is he alright?" There was so much worry in those words.

             " No, he said he had somewhere else to be." Dru answered. "But, I brought you pancakes."

             "Oh. I-I'm not hungry today, Dru. I think I'll pass" Ty said, clearly holding back tears.

             " Okay, you don't want to eat." Dru said, and placed the tray over the nightstand. "So let's talk."

       "What do you want to talk about? There is nothing to talk about, Dru. I want to be alone right now."

        "Actually,  there is something we can talk about. Like, what you did last night!"

        "Wha-what are you talking about, Dru?" Ty tensed.
        "I know what you did last night, Ty."


        "How? You both were outright shouting at each other, which woke me up. And, I'm sorry to say this, but I might have eavesdropped a little."

         Ty didn't say anything. He wasn't even angry at her for eavesdropping. He clearly had a lot more things to worry about.

         "Kit seemed miserable." Dru continued, "It was as if he...... cried all night."

         Ty was silent for a long moment. Then he spoke, "I didn't mean to hurt him. I never meant to hurt him. It's just, the words he said about her. That she wasn't coming back. I-"

        "He told you the truth." Those words felt bitter in her mouth. "Livvy isn't coming back. But she would have wanted you to be happy, Ty. Kit didn't lie. He told you the truth. And, truth hurts sometimes.."

       "You're right, Dru. I-I didn't think... Where is he now?"

       "You mean Kit? I don't know. He just left."
      "Oh. Okay. It's fine." Ty's words were sad. Ty was already grieving Livvy. Dru didn't want him to loose Kit too.

      So she said, "I'll go find him and tell him that you want to talk to him."

     "Thanks, Dru." Ty said.  As Dru nodded and turned around to face the door, Ty spoke again, more like whispered. " I'm sorry, for not talking to you and everyone else for months. I-I will speak to them."

   Dru turned around and smiled, here was her older brother apologising for not talking to her. That was the most she could expect from Ty.  "I understand what you have been going through and no one blames you. And, eat your breakfast, Ty."

      Ty smiled and Dru could have fainted then and there. It was the first time she saw Ty smile since Livvy died. That was progress.


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