TWENTY. before they were soulmates

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THERE WAS Lennon. She kept to herself. She only spoke when spoken to. She didn't hang after school. She didn't get in trouble. She always was honest. She was Lennon. Whether she was a better (or worse in your mind) than versus now, she, in her mind, was herself. She was Lennon.

She's who she always thought she was. If Carrie Wilson approached Lennon on any other day, she would've been terrified. If Julie Molina had come up to Lennon, she would've thought she was gonna ask her a homework question and go. If Luke Patterson was alive, no way would Lennon Sunder would've thought he would've approached her.

Before there was any of that. There was Lennon Sunder.

She always thought that version of her was okay, and it was, no doubt. But she could thank the new people in her life for bringing her out of her shell.

LENNON SUNDER always felt like she could be independent. That she could survive out there on her own. That was before. Before everyone, before her mother passed, before anything.

She sat down at the island kicking her legs back and forth as her parents sat in the kitchen. An average day, normal day. Then, it wasn't.

Randomly enough, singing started.

She turned around and saw the TV in the living room off. No sign of her parents being on the phone whatsoever. Her own phone in her back pocket with the ringer off.

It wasn't familiar and she couldn't tell you if she'd ever heard the voice before.

She chose to ignore it and continued to eat until it was time for her to go.

It was the same routine over and over again. School, work, home. Every single day.

She had her routine and it worked. She stuck with what worked. She never stepped out of her comfort zone. She never changed that. That was before.

WILLIE MEANT what he said about Caleb and Lennon. Before the whole "stamping you because your soulmate will not play at my house band", there was Caleb Covington and Lennon Sunder.

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