THREE. the one where lennon and julie are "friends"

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LENNON HAD woken up earlier than usual

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LENNON HAD woken up earlier than usual. If she was going to meet with Julie, who stayed a couple of blocks down, she had to wake up at the crack of dawn. She really had no choice.

Lennon wanted answers and Julie probably had at least one. It was obvious that Julie didn't hear any of the singing from Luke, or from anyone of that matter. So, she probably didn't have a soulmate at the moment.

The only thing Lennon could think about the entire night ( other than the boy singing in her head all night ) was the blog post that she had read. She couldn't have a soulmate. She could have a soulmate, just one that was alive, but according to the internet ( her only reliable source ), she indeed, has a dead soulmate.

She didn't want to tell Luke about them being possible soulmates because she thought it would only drive him away. Where else could he go? He was already dead. Regardless, she had a good time talking to him last night. The two connected so easily. She didn't want that to go away. Soulmate or not.

Lennon grabbed her backpack and everything she needed for today and headed downstairs. The creaking of the steps didn't help as she was hoping not to wake her father, but he was already downstairs making breakfast.

"You're up early."

Lennon nodded, "Walking to school with Julie."

"Julie Molina?"

Lennon grabbed a plate from her father and sat down at the island.

"Uh, yeah." She answered, "School stuff."

"School stuff or girl stuff?"


He nodded, "I heard you talking to someone last night. Couldn't have been Julie."

Lennon shoved the food in her mouth. Hopefully giving her enough time to figure out what to say to him.

She didn't realize he was home. Probably because she was so engrossed in conversation with Luke or she was so caught up in the fact that she was in the same room with her soulmate.

✓ just wanna be with you ミ luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now