TEN. at that moment she slipped my mind

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THE HOLLYWOOD Ghost Club was not what the three had expected when walking inside

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THE HOLLYWOOD Ghost Club was not what the three had expected when walking inside.

People everywhere, dancing, talking, doing anything they wanted. Well dressed people all around.

"I don't know about this." Reggie sighed.

"Well, if you get scared, you... you can always hide behind me. I'll be hiding behind Luke." Alex said.

"You guys need to grow up, okay? We're gonna get back at Bobby. He needs to pay for what he did to us."

Alex faced Reggie, "I'm still gonna hide behind him."

Willie, Alex's friend/crush/something, had poofed in beside Luke, a smile placed on his face.

"We're all good."

"Oh, uh, cool." Alex stuttered, "Hey, just so you know, we have, like an hour, because we got a gig with Julie."

"No worries. Let's go."

All around well dressed people. The three boys obviously not prepared for the extravagant hours ahead of them. They could only take in the scenery as two people walked through them.

"Whoa! I thought these people were all going to be ghosts." Reggie said.

"These are all lifers." Willie smiled.

"Oh, uh, lifers are actually-"

"Alive people. I was listening."

"But this is a very exclusive crowd." Willie explained, "Everybody here has, uh, paid a lot to get a sneak peek at the afterlife."

"I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this."

A man wearing a white suit approached them, guiding them to a table as true show was getting ready to start.

"Okay. So who's gonna make us visible so we can confront our old bandmate?" Luke asked.

"Oh no, no. None of these lifers have the power to do that." Willie explained. The sounds of the music becoming more lively, "Oh, but here comes the ghost who does."

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