SIXTEEN. do you love him

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WHEN LENNON realized it was only midnight, she went right back to sleep

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WHEN LENNON realized it was only midnight, she went right back to sleep.

She currently sat at the island of the kitchen, swinging her legs slightly back and forth as she played the fork in her hands.

Her body still in some type of pain after last night. She didn't want to fully blame Caleb but she really had no choice. She just wanted to know why. Why did he choose her?

She did remember the text messages she received that night also. Replying back to Julie that she was sorry for leaving so early as her stomach started to hurt. As for Carrie, she didn't really know what to say. She replied, for sure. It probably wasn't wondered correctly ( or at all ) as she was nervous but she was sure she got her point across.

"Where'd you get the jacket from?"

Lennon looked up from her plate and at her father.

Luke's red flannel rested on her forearms. Her black plaid dress and a cropped black shirt underneath wasn't what she had planned on wearing, but she didn't expect to see Luke's jacket resting on the back of her desk chair either.

I never know when it's cold anymore, but here's to the possible cold weather.
- Patterson

She smiled and stuck the sticky note on her corkboard that had a plethora of other notes stick on it.

She looked around the board for a moment. Sticky notes from different people, but mainly the ones she counted on the most.

Happiness comes in different forms. I'm glad you're one of mine.
- momma sunder

Lennon sent a smile to her father, "I've never seen it before." He said.

"Uh," She really debated on whether or not she should tell the truth or not. Not the full truth, he wouldn't believe her. She debated on telling him what she had told Carrie, to some extent. "A friend and I went out- hung out. He let me borrow this and I forgot to give it back, but I'm sure I'll see him today and I'll give it back."


"I said that, didn't I? Well, his name is Luke and we have been friends for a while, so, yeah."

✓ just wanna be with you ミ luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now