ONE. the one where lennon watches casper

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LENNON NEVER hated anything more than sitting in complete silence

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LENNON NEVER hated anything more than sitting in complete silence. It made her feel like she was it some type of limbo state... or going to bed. Regardless, she hated being alert and awake with no noise going on in the background.

So, the repeated sounds of Casper were playing on her laptop as she worked on AP History homework.

She was bobbing her head to the sound of Little Richard, meaning the movie was drawing to a close again. Meaning, the movie would be restarting again.

She sat in the library, humming the same tune as the movie. She turned her head slightly as the sound of someone mocking her rang in her head.

She took her earbuds out and looked around the library. No one was close and no one was in range. So, it was unlikely that someone was watching her.

Lennon put her earbuds back in her ears as the song and the movie died down and a sign for her to restart the movie.

Casper was always one of her comfort movies. Though being released in nineteen ninety-five (1995), something about the movie made her feel at ease.

Peaking over her shoulder she looked out the windows of the library. The hallways filling with students. She sighed, shutting her laptop and packing her things away. She headed towards her locker, mumbling the sounds of the song she had listened to that morning.

She stopped in her tracks and the singing ( from what she assumed was in her head ) started again. She looked around the hallways. Everyone seemed to be in their own conversation or minding their own business.

She hadn't heard the singing in awhile. It had stopped and she truly thought it was just an "in her head thing". She made her way towards her locker and as she opened it Flynn stood by her locker.

"Just stopping by to say hi." She smiled.

Lennon and Flynn were not Julie and Flynn. She could say, with her heart, that her friendship with Flynn wasn't the same as Julie's. Flynn had only started talking to the girl maybe, a couple of weeks ago.

"Hey, Flynn."

A small conversation started and as it did the singing started again. She shut her eyes for a moment before opening them and finding Flynn giving her a look of worry.

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