SIX. thoughts are troubling could use a hug

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LUKE DID sing Lennon to sleep last night

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LUKE DID sing Lennon to sleep last night. A well-needed sleep for sure.

The hallways of the school were quiet as the majority of the students were at the spirit rally either helping setting the event up or rehearsing.

Lennon opened her locker and just looked inside. It was one of those days. One of those days where she felt like doing absolutely nothing. She was unmotivated and honestly rather just be alone.

These days for Lennon could last for weeks. Unmotivated and unwilling. It sucked. It made her feel bad and she felt like she couldn't control it. It was draining.

She continued to just stare inside her locker before switching out textbooks and shutting it once she was done.

She slid down and once she was on the floor she pressed her back against the cold metal.

Lennon was glad Luke sang her to sleep because if she knew one of these days was coming she probably would've asked him to stay.

The "having a soulmate and not telling him" was eating her up inside. She just didn't want Luke running off. Not like he could just completely dissolve, but she felt like he would try and just denounced having one.

She knew it was wrong to hold this information and there was no stopping Julie if she found out and told Luke before Lennon did.

No search on the internet could explain why Luke, a ghost from twenty-five years ago, was her soulmate. Yes, the singing in their heads made sense, if he were alive.

Lennon still had her life. She would have to grow up, get old, and hopefully died a peaceful death. She couldn't hold out on a guy who couldn't even touch her.

Speaking of, Lennon couldn't stop thinking about her love language either. She questioned what Luke's could've been and with all honesty, she didn't know how to approach him with the question either.

Finally, to add the cherry on top, it was missing her mother kinda day. Lennon's relationship with her mother was golden. She loved spending time with her parents. So, she felt bad when she distanced herself from her father. She thought ( and yes, as bad as it sounds ) that if she distanced herself from him it wouldn't hurt as bad if he met the same fate as her mother. Stupid sounding, but that's how she felt, she knew it was stupid, so she only did it on these days.

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