TWENTY-TWO. lennon sunder and emily patterson

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LENNON AND Julie sat in Lennon's car as Julie explained her idea

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LENNON AND Julie sat in Lennon's car as Julie explained her idea.

"I don't know, Julie."

"I mean, I think his mom would like it."

"I know his mom would love it, but I just think we should ask Luke if that's what he wants."

Julie fell back into the passenger seat.

Lennon held a tight lip with one hand on the steering wheel. She knew where Julie was coming from and she knew that Julie meant no harm in what she had planned.

It fell silent and Lennon began to wonder. If she went with Julie she would have to meet Luke's parents. She never thought about meeting his parents. The one time she chose to spy on him was enough. She didn't have any doubts that they were horrible people, she thought the exact opposite actually. His parents seemed like nice people. She just didn't want to have the soulmate thing weighing down on her shoulders if she chose to go through with Julie's plan.

"I'm not saying it's a bad idea. I just... I don't know. Are you sure this is the best idea?"

"Yes. Do you know how happy his mom would be just to get anything from Luke again?"

Lennon sighed, "Fine."

She put the key in the ignition and started her car.

"We're going right now?" Julie asked.

"If you need to make any stops we can go there."

Lennon's nerves were already getting to her. If Julie didn't notice it now she would when they arrived.

With a sigh and a nod, Julie buckled her seatbelt.

To the Patterson's house they go.

THE TWO girls looked out at the house in front of them. Neither one of them ready to get out of the car.

"It's not gonna be awkward." Julie said.


Julie looked over at Lennon who was playing with the sleeves of Luke's shirt. She had recognized that it was his as he wore it the other day.

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