FIVE. do i make you nervous

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LENNON NEVER went to her father for advice

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LENNON NEVER went to her father for advice. She did when it was a last resort but she never really asked him for help. She pretty much relied on the internet and whatever her mother had brought up in years prior.

It wasn't like Lennon could tell her dad about having a soulmate or the fact that he was dead. Even if she wanted to, she didn't know how to.

Overlooking that, Lennon had gotten home from school. Her dad sitting in the kitchen, his laptop opened and, from the looks of it, was working.

"Hey." Her father smiled.

Lennon smiled his way and opened the refrigerator to grab a snack and soon as she shut it, Luke stood there smiling down at her, causing her to slightly jump, that movement not going past her father.

"Everything all right?"

She quickly recovered and faced her father, "Yeah, just got the chills."

She stood on the other side of the island, Luke following her steps as the two of them propped their arms against it.

"How was school?" Her father asked.

Luke continued to smile, "Yeah, how was school?"

Lennon held a tight smile and glanced up at Luke, "It's was good, you know, as good as school can get."

"Well, that's great to hear." Her father replied, "Anything else going on?"

"Yeah, tell him about me yet?" Luke asked, "Bet that's a conversation... imagine it. You telling your dad about how you've finally met the voice in your head."

"Other than the headache I'm getting and the chemistry homework I have to do. Nothing exciting has happened." Lennon answered.

Luke pouted, "I think I'm an exciting person."

"Right. Study, study, study. Get to it. I'll be down here for a while before heading out for tonight."

Lennon nodded, "Have fun with your stuff."

"Right back at 'cha."

Lennon grabbed her snack from the table and headed upstairs. Luke following behind her.

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