FIFTEEN. midnight daydreams

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EVERYONE HAD dreams whether they were good dreams, bad dreams, daydreams, etc

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EVERYONE HAD dreams whether they were good dreams, bad dreams, daydreams, etc., everyone had them.

Some people had dreams that could come true and some people had dreams that they didn't think could come true.

Lennon had dreams. Luke had dreams. Julie had dreams. Alex had dreams. Reggie had dreams. Everyone had dreams. No matter if they were good dreams, bad dreams, or daydreams.

Luke sat on his couch, practicing for the new song that the band would be performing later tonight, right outside the garage.

A simple song. It was currently only known as Great, a working title that the band hadn't really thought about but probably should.

The doors of the garage opened, looking over Lennon walked inside with a smile.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

She held two big bags in the air, "Just dropping off some stuff for tonight. I told Julie I'd help decorate."

Luke watched as she sat the bags down by the piano. Her outfit was different than her normal wear. The pink plaid dress, a short white sleeve underneath it with yellow socks and her white high tops. Still a Lennon outfit, just with a little pizazz.

She turned and faced him, "What?" She knew that she was somewhat out of her comfort zone. A suggestion from Carrie about "changing it up a little".

"Nothing. You just... look very nice."

Luke could only wince at his own awkwardness. He didn't know what it was but he knew something was off. Maybe it was just because it was early in the morning and he had only awoken a couple of minutes ago or he wasn't use to seeing his soulmate in a dress.

Lennon wrapped her arms around herself, "Well, thank you."

She was an idiot for leaving her jacket at home. She didn't realize how cold it would've been this morning. Living in California had its perks from time to time, but at six in the morning, standing in a garage with no heat and the current temperature was forty-eight degrees... well, it wasn't fun for her.

✓ just wanna be with you ミ luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now