TWENTY-FIVE. blushing boys and doubtful girls

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LENNON HAD Julie explain the plan to her and it seemed to be as easy as it sounded

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LENNON HAD Julie explain the plan to her and it seemed to be as easy as it sounded.

There was no way that anyone, not even three ghosts could mess this up. It would be miraculous if they did.

Lennon opened the fridge and could only stare inside the machine.

She sighed and shut the fridge and as she turned she was faced with a piece of paper in front of her.

"We're playing the Orpheum!" Luke smiled.

"That's great. What's that?" She asked.

"It's a song Julie's mom left her. We finished it together and I want you to read it."

Luke held his smile as she took the paper from him.

She rested her elbows against the island with her hands cupping her face and read the song over.

Luke rested one hand against the counter and watched as Lennon read the song in her head, a smile growing on her face.

Luke let his eyes wander from the paper to her.

Lennon, whether she knew it or not, made Luke feel. Feel things he hadn't felt before. He never looked at someone like he did Lennon, and if he had he would keep that to himself.

He titled his head slightly. Her hair braided into two down her back, one of his jacket resting on her forearms, her glasses falling slightly down her nose.

Soulmate or not; Luke had decided that he would've fallen for Lennon regardless.

Today was going to be hard. He knew that. She knew that. They didn't have much time left to do whatever they wanted. With band practice and Lennon trying to fall into ease with her body basically failing on her; they hadn't been with each other that often.

Regret something they both felt, but reassuring ( Lennon more than Luke ) that at the end of the day, everyone and everything was going to be okay.

Sure. They had bumps in the road. Who doesn't? People make mistakes. But neither of them would take any of it back. They grew and gotten closer with the mistakes they made. They liked each other and that's all that mattered.

✓ just wanna be with you ミ luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now