things going down hill

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Okay everybody here is the next chapter of the story and things will start to change in each of our main character life's. Now for my question of the day and that is can you tell what all of my OC are based off of. Now with this all said and done let's get on with this story.

Time passed two weeks.

Qrow POV

I kicked y/n into the wall of our house which got a cheer from the rest of the family, he had tried to play with one of Yang's toys while he thought we weren't looking at him. Yang then picked up y/n and held him in place so that ruby could slash him with her scythe, when ruby did slash the waist of space across his chest Yang let him fall to the ground.

Tai:"my turn."

As tai was getting closer to who didn't even move, probably realising that he won't be getting out of this, tai picked him up and threw him in the air while pulling back his right hand. When y/n came back down tai punched forward sending y/n into the wall cracking the area where his body hit.

Summer:"you little bastard!"

Summer then jumped up off of the couch and started to punch y/n while I took another drink of my whiskey. After about twenty or so punches summer stops beating y/n up and he is still not moving.

Summer:"never damage our house again you ungrateful freak."

Still y/n didn't move instead he stayed still.

Tai:"have you not got anything to say!?"

Still nothing and I was beginning to get concerned, I walked over y/n wondering if we have taken things too far. When I was standing next to y/n body I lightly kicked him but he show no signs of movement.

Qrow:"come on y/n get up!"

Still he didn't move and I began to worry more that I might we might have accidentally killed y/n, I bent down to y/n to check for a pulse. Thankfully there was a pulse but y/n wasn't moving at all.

Ruby:"are you okay aunt qrow?"

I quickly picked y/n up bridal style and looked at the rest of my family.

Qrow:"y/n is not moving at all! I'm taking him to the hospital!"

I didn't wait for there answer as I started to run out of the door holding onto y/n as if I dropped him I would lose my only child forever. When I kicked the front open I ran to the car to put y/n in so that I could get him to the hospital. I open the passenger side door and put y/n in the front seat, I put a seatbelt on y/n before closing the door so that I could go to the drivers side seat. When I was Infront of the wheel of the car I couldn't help but think of Leon and if this is what that bastard wanted all along. Immediately I reversed the car onto the rode not caring if I had hit anything only caring if y/n was alive. I looked at my son who was only moving due to the car.

Qrow:"I'm sorry y/n, I didn't mean to hurt you but I promise you that I will make things better amongst us."

I looked back at the road trying to get there as fast as possible.

Jack POV

I was breathing even faster as my family were going to beat me up since I forgot to knock the door before entering dinner. Then all of a sudden my whole family arrived coming into the room and I could see the hate in there eyes just looking at me, my crime? Living.

Jacque:"I hope that you are ready for your punishment bastard."

I didn't move at all since I just wanted this to be over even if that mean I would have to die since it couldn't get any worse than this. I was punched in the face by winter which caused me to fall on the ground, when I opened my eyes up again I saw mom drink more of the stuff that she usually drinks when she watches me get beaten. As everyone was hitting me I curled up in a ball so that I can at least protect myself a bit from there assault since nobody else will, I could feel my blood flow down me my body like it always did. As the beating was going in they stopped for some reason since there bearings would last longer than this and even though my vision wasn't the best I could see they looked horrified.

neglected and abused male reader X rwby (were all mad here)Where stories live. Discover now