run Jill's run Jill's run, run, run

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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my neglected and abused RWBY story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now let's get on to our question of the day and that is what do you think the girls, dog, and professor Oobleck, are doing since Lancelot and the knights left? Please let me know and with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.

Ruby POV

Looking into the camp fire we had made in the underground, while we were running to the bunker an explosion went off from underground causing the ground of the city to crumble. About one third of the ruined city is now nothing but rubble but that wasn't the worst for me. We were caught in the middle of the explanation, all of us sent flying in the air and when we ceased down a pile of road and broken off parts of the building crashed down onto my leg breaking it. Right now we were into the basement of a building that was still intact and were hiding here for the night. I was on the first watch since I wouldn't be able to do anything with broken leg but I could do this. I just wondered how everyone else was doing and if beacon would send a search part to find us soon, professor Oobleck, said that he sent a message for them to pick us up at the bunker we were heading to.

Ozpin/Ozma POV

I looked out of the window to the academy ground along with a small portion of the city in the distance. Standing next to me was Salem, as she wanted to talk with me. It was the middle of the night and I do not know why she wanted to speak to me so late but I am sure that she has a good reason to call me here.

Salem:"it's quite beautiful isn't it, it reminds of of the night where we first met Ozma, when you helped me escape from that tower."

Ozpin:"I remember it well Salem, but please tell me why you called me here, I do have other things that I need to be doing."

Salem:"I know about that small group who you have lost contact with, I want to offer you a hand."

I raised an eyebrow, word must travel fast for her, I only got that message an hour ago and was planning to send team S.T.R.Q.

Ozpin:"that is quite kind of you to offer Salem, how did you end up finding out about team R.W.B.Y?"

Salem:"Ozma, you of all people should know that even without my magic I have many ways of getting what I want."

Ozpin:"unless it's the ability to control the grimm."

Salem:"maybe so, but you never answered if you would like my help in trying to find and rescue those hunters? I know how sad you would be if you lost a silver eyed warrior."

Looking down at Salem, she knew everything that I needed or rather than I wanted in order to help me save the world from her. But now a new evil has arrived and I am not sure if it is better or worse than when Salem was around, or if I would still need to sliver eyed warriors.

Ozpin:"yes, I would be all to happy for your help in finding those girls, it would be such a shame to lose potential so soon."

Salem:"well, if that is how you view it then, I will send my daughter."

Jack POV

Limping my way through my area in Neverland, I wondered what is happening back in the real world when the train started, I'm sure that vale is in a panic over the now lost contact with other towns and cities who railways are now clogged up with rubble. They could still use there aircraft but if those towns and city's need to evacuate then the air craft will most likely not have enough room to take them all away in one trip. Though I was thinking of going into the real world to see Weiss, as she was in the city that Lancelot, was overseeing the bomb going off, if she was caught up in the explosion and crippled then it will be all the more better for me to hunt her and add her to my collection. Leaping past my feet came a small group of white summoned rabbits running through the snowy ground, as if they were running from a predator, one jumped down a hole that was under a tree. While I was limping through the town forest with trees that were covered in snow and no leaves on the branches, I was making my way over to my tower which looked like it was made completely of ice like some sort of ice palace that had snow all over it, while walking up the steps of the to the doors of the tower they began to open up on there own letting me in, when I reached the top of the steps I walked into my ice tower as the doors behind me closed on there own as everything and anything can happen in Neverland, that's what makes it so much fun. While walking to the stairs the staff that were all around my ice tower worked to make sure that it was perfect and nothing was wrong with it. When I reveal myself to my old family they will all become part of my collection helping the staff to keep my home in its state of perfection.

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