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Hello boys and girls here is the next chapter of my neglected and abused RWBY story which I hope that all of you are enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now for my question of the day and that is what animal/creature would you like to put into the spawning pool for the Grimm (I can't remember if they were given any official name or not so sorry) to see what would come out? For me I have a serious and a fun option so I'll start with my serious one being the shrooms that turn ants into Zombies since I would like to see how that would work, a Grimm spore which would take over bodies slowly making zombie Grimm, as for my fun one I would probably put a dachshund in since I think it would be quite cute to see a sausage dog Grimm since I own one and would like to just see a ground of Grimm dachshunds running around being cute. Now that is just me and please let me know what you all would chose if that is okay and with that all said and done let's get on with the story shall we.


Looking out the window down at Neverland with the thick woods and strange creatures running around just like how they would in my dream just now they were more... different than when I was a little boy, I was waiting for Maria to come to me since she said she would have something to tell not just me but Jack, Chesh, and Lancelot, so the four of us were waiting in this room waiting for her.

Chesh:"so, how is you order of knights doing, now that your down a man."

Lancelot:"I've already got a new one and that one was not even a good one, just a weak on who is now replaced with a stronger knight, but how are you and your minions doing, are they still trying to kill each other."

Chesh:"they are being a handful, but I can control them, what they need is something do do instead of being stuck here for so long."

Then suddenly the door opened up and in came Maria. We all looked at her as she stood at the bottom of the table we had all been sitting around.

Jack:"so why have you called us here?"

Maria:"I just thought that you all would want to know that the girls from team RWBY, were captured by my rats."

Hearing this we were all quite shocked all aide from Lancelot who seemed as though he could not care less about the new so long as is does not concern him.

Maria:"but they do not have them anymore, they escaped with the help of team STRQ."

Now that just made me mad hearing that they are ruining mine and my friends fun.

Y/n:"did they see you or do they have any idea who the rest of us are?"

she shook her head side to side.

Maria:"no, i implanted one with one of the brain rats so we have a spy so one of them did see me."

Lancelot:"so we have another spy there, do we know who they are?"

Maria:"i'm not sure you have met them, but i do have a question for you Lancelot."

The black knight nodded as i wondered what they were going to ask.

Maria:"you said that all of my Skaven got out of the area before the explosion when you returned, why did you lie to me."

Lancelot:"i did not think you would care if they were alive or not, without any females they would die out after a few years without pan shadow."

Maria:"then why did you like if you thought I would not care about what happened to them?"


Y/n:"enough. You all seem to be skipping over the fact that Maria has a spy and whoever it is I'm sure will help us when we swarm that academy come the day of the tournament, teacher or student it does not matter. All that matters is our plan can go ahead, you informed me Hyde?"

neglected and abused male reader X rwby (were all mad here)Where stories live. Discover now