all good things...

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Hello Boys and girls here is the next chapter of my rwby story which I hope you are all having a good time reading as much as I am writing it for you all in advance. Now for my question of the day before we begin this chapter and that is could you please tell me what you think of y/n of the story so far? As you know I can't really answer this question but I hope you all like it. Now with all of that questioning said and done let's get on with this story shall we.

Qrow POV

I was sitting in the living room with summer and y/n, I glanced at y/n many times since today was the last day that y/n would be able to move before it would be confirmed that he would never move again. I don't know what I would do if y/n lost all his ability to move except for his eyes but I do know that I will do what y/n would want to do to me to give him happiness, even at my expense.


I snapped out ot my thoughts and looked at my wife who starred at me with her usual cute smile while she ate one of her cookies.

Qrow:"sorry, I just spaced out there for a second summer, what were you saying?"

Summer:"what I was saying is that we should do something special for today as today is quite close to y/n birthday."

I nodded, for a birthday gift last year I made him a cripple, I stroked my hand through my hair which was recently cut since it was starting to get too long, he also wore the pan flute necklace his aunt got him.

Qrow:"good point, I guess we shall, maybe we could get the whole family round for a party. I'll go to the kitchen."

I stood up and walked over to the kitchen while I heard summer follow me leaving y/n in the living room alone, once I was away from y/n eyes I broke down crying sitting on the ground. All the things I ever did to him came flushing back to me, all the beatings I had given him, his inheritance I stole, all the things that I said to him. I just want to go back and fix what they did to him, summer hugged me which I also hugged her.

Summer:"I know it ruff, but I'm sure y/n is going to get better any moment now."

I nod but as days gone by I have slowly been losing hope that y/n would be able to be able to move again. We stayed hugging for a few minutes until we heard something crash onto the ground from the living room, Y/N! I rushed out of summer's arms to see if y/n was okay but when I got into the room I see y/n wheelchair on its side while y/n on the ground and a was seeing y/n body begin to move on its own again. I cried seeing that I didn't damage y/n permanently, then as y/n then went to stand up on his feet I wanted to run over to him and hug him but I restrained myself worried incase I would hurt him. After a few minutes which felt like years went by y/n was fully standing up and he looked at me and all I was able to do in my shock was wave. Y/n started at the two of us with a look of no emotion, no warm, no cold, just nothing in how he looked at us.

Qrow:"h-hey, it's me y/n, it's your mother qrow."

I took one step forward but y/n took on step back which made him suddenly fall to the ground like a sack of potatoes. Quickly me and summer rushed over to y/n to make sure that he is okay, looks like he will be needing to learn to walk again but I will help him even if I have to cripple my own legs.

Qrow:"are you okay y/n? Please let me sit you down."

Both me and summer helped y/n up and sat him onto the couch and y/n turned his head to look at me with his eyes.

Y/n:"I... Hate you qrow."

Jack POV

I limped towards the library to get some peace as well as read a book about the history of the world, when I reached the doors I opened them up and saw that it was empty. I walked towards one of the chairs which hand a small pile of books on the table next to it, when I looked through the books I saw that the one that I wanted to read was not there. I walked through the library to try and find the book, after looking around for the book I eventually found what I was looking for and took it. I walked back over to the chair to sit down as I still struggle to stand, when I reached the chair I sat down putting both my staff and cane to the side, I began to read the book in peace and quite but that was not to last. After about five minutes the door opened up again and when I glanced up I saw that it was winter so I looked back at my book reading about the founding of the kingdom's.

neglected and abused male reader X rwby (were all mad here)Where stories live. Discover now