party crasher.

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Hello boys and girls I hope that you are all having a good day, for me my day has been going well and here is the next chapter of my neglected and abused male reader story which I hope you are all enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys and girls. Now form my question of the day and that is how do you think the Feild trip arc will go for the hunters since now a lot of the original plan has been put in the bin with what has happened to Salem, faction. I will let you guys think on that but until then let's get on with he story shall we?

Ruby POV

I leaned on my arm board, I was suppose to help Weiss, with the party but it was so boring, not to mention that Blake, isn't coming. I was then brought out of my thoughts when she slammed both of her hands onto the table with two table clothes under each of them.

Weiss:"I need you to pick a table cloth."

She then slid the both of them over towards me but the both of them look the exact same, I looked back up at Weiss, a little confused if this was meant to be some sort of test.

Ruby:"aren't they both them same?"

Weiss, sighed.

Weiss:"I don't even know why I asked."

Weiss, then walked off as I rested my head on the table still upset about Blake, not coming to the party, then there was a loud bang on the ground as Yang, walked over to me from behind.

Yang:"so, have you picked out a dress yet?"

Ruby:"what's the point, who cares about the dance if Blake's not going."

Yang:"oh, don't worry, she's going."

Yang, then turned to look where Weiss, was.

Yang:"Weiss! I thought we agreed doilies!"

Weiss, walked up to Yang.

Weiss:"If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machine."

Then all of us turned our heads when we heard the doors to the room open up causing us all to turn to see Sun and Neptune.

Neptune:"your dance is going to have fog machines?"

Weiss, then turned to look at Neptune.

Weiss:"we were thinking about it."

Neptune:"that's pretty cool."

Sun, then walked over to us with a smile on his face.

Sun:"you ladies ready for dress up?"

I blew some raspberries.

Ruby:"yeah right."

Yang:"laugh all you want, I am going to be turning heads tomorrow night."

Weiss:"what are you two wearing?"

Sun, looked a little confused.

Sun:"uh, this."

He gestured to the standard clothes that he wore but Neptune, put his hand Infront of his face.

Neptune:"ignore him, for he knows not what he says."

Sun, then moved Neptune hand away.

Sun:"hey, I may have moved to mistral but I grew up in Vacuo, not exactly a shirt and tie kind of place."

Yang:"yeah, we've noticed."

He then scratched the back of his head.

Sun:"so, what dose Blake, think of all this? Is she still being all... Blakeie?"

neglected and abused male reader X rwby (were all mad here)Where stories live. Discover now