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Hello there boys and girls I hope that all of you lovely guys and girls are having a good day today as well if you are you are enjoying it and are all ready to read the next chapter of my neglected and abused RWBY story which I hope that all of you are still enjoying as much as I am writing it for you guys. Now for my question of the day and that is do you all think that the way our protagonists did there job was done well or if they could have done it better? I would like to know what you all think if it is not to much of a bother and now with that all said and done lets get on with the story shall we.

Chesh POV

Looking through the binoculars at the large plane in the warehouse area that were being used to store all of the robots brought from atlas that we were planning on attacking before they could become a problem, right now we sent our spy in to make sure that the human security will not be focusing on us until we are spotted.

Chesh:"right, so what's the plan, that electric barbed wire fence will make it hard to get in unless you use your semblance."

I then handed him the binoculars and he took them as I moved away from the window.

Jekyll:"Don't worry about that, the spy was given the mission to cut the power of the fence for three minutes, more than enough time for us to throw a carpet over the barbed wiring, so when will Pan shadow turn me younger for this?"

I looked at him but when I saw past him and to the shadow on the wall I could see that Pan shadow was sitting on the shadow of a couch.

Chesh:"why don't you ask him yourself."

I nodded my head behind me and for a second he did not spot Pan shadow but when he did he began to speak.

Jekyll:"So can you turn me young now or do you want me to do this as an old men?"

Pan shadow:"Don't worry, I will get onto it."

Then he began to fly over to him and while Pan flew across the ground he made contact with the good doctor shadow he then began to age down going from a elderly man in his mid sixties all the way back down to his mid twenties. When he felt his body be young again he clasped his hands in and out before then smiling.

Pan shadow:"now get going, the spy should have turned off the power to the fences."

We both nodded and picked up the balaclavas off of the table and the good doctor then picked up the carpet and I picked up the bag filled with explosives, as the two of us made our way out of the building but we put the balaclavas as we headed out and while we walked though the nearly empty streets we then reached the electric fence but then I realised that we had no way of know if it has been turned off or not.

Chesh:"so what was your theory for checking the fence has no power."


Then I felt his hand on my back shove me right into the fence and when I crashed into the fence I was revealed that I did not get shocked but I turned back to him in anger as he tossed over the carpet landing it on top of the barbed wire.

Chesh:"what the hell is wrong with you?"

Jekyll:"well, when you turn me back into an old man I will be dealing with arthritis."

Chesh:"never mind."

Then we both climbed over the fence and began to rush to the warehouse that we saw that the robots were being unloaded into but while we rushed there we did our best to make sure that we would not be spotted by guards or cameras. When we reached the walls on the side of the building and placed out backs against it while at the right of the doctor was our entrance in. The good doctor, then bent down and started to try and hack through the security system while I looked around, trying to make sure that no one was going to see us.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27 ⏰

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neglected and abused male reader X rwby (were all mad here)Where stories live. Discover now