Chapter 3

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Pop's diner was at the centre of the town, it being the only thing that managed to unite Northsiders and Southsiders. The retro building had been in its same place for years, passed down between the Tate family from generation to generation, but always filled with love and laughter no matter who owned it. A place where kids could just be kids and adults could take a break, like a pause button on a remote control. 

Perhaps that's what made it so appealing to Betty, the idea that she could just press pause on life. Though somehow Nathan always managed to press play again before she was ready. As usual, she was seated in a booth with the blonde-haired boy along with Veronica and her red-headed boyfriend. They had all ordered the same meals as always- well apart from Betty who just asked for a vanilla milkshake after a not so polite comment from her boyfriend. Pleasing him was easier (less painful) than defying him. 

"Look what the cat dragged in" Nathan ridiculed, narrowing his green eyes at four teenagers that entered the diner. Betty turned her head towards the door to see a group of serpents clad in their leather jackets and biker boots, including the same boy that had taken her home a week ago. She gave Jughead a small smile as he walked past which thankfully went unnoticed by Nathan.

He nodded at her before sliding into a booth next to them along with his other friends. "It's a wonder Pop lets them in here, who knows what scum like that are capable of" Nathan continued. 

"You wanna continue?" the tallest boy butted in, overhearing the judgemental comments. 

"Yeah actually, this is Northside territory. No one wants you here" he snarled, ignoring the small tug Betty gave his sleeve. 

"Oh really big guy? Last time I checked Pop's was open to everyone. Unfortunately, that includes a rat like you" Jughead argued, quick to defend his friends. 

"Nate leave it" she whispered to him, squeaking when he shrugged her off and stood up. 

"Man it's not worth it" Archie tried but even he knew there was no stopping him when he was in a temper. 

"You think you're better than me huh? A low life like you? I mean...what are you actually doing with your lives? Because from where I'm standing I see your future in a ditch" he smirked. Betty watched as Jughead's fists clenched and his cheeks puffed out slightly. 

"Like father like son" 

A comment that pushed Jughead over the edge immediately, punching Nathan square in the jaw. Any chance of controlling himself had been thrown out of the window in that very second, taking anything about his dad's chequered past to heart. 

"Don't you dare bring up my dad. He's a good man, unlike you. How come your girl was crying on the street just a week ago hm?" he replied with a smirk, everyone's gaze averting to the blonde. She froze in her seat, locking eyes with her raging boyfriend. 

"Nathan I didn't I swear, I didn't- I-" she spluttered, gasping as she watched Nathan throw a punch into Jughead's stomach causing him to fly back. He then grabbed her wrist, yanking her out of the booth and into the car park. 

"Nate you're hurting me, ow!" she screeched as he shoved her back into the concrete. She picked herself up and dusted off her jeans, wiping her eyes. Crying just made him angrier, it was better to hide her fear. After all, fear attracts monsters. 

"You spoke to him? Of all people?!" he shouted, throwing his arms up in the air. 

"No! I was upset and he saw, that's all!" she explained, shaking her head in desperation. She noticed the 4 serpents run outside with Archie and Veronica in tow, knowing she had to keep him calm around them. 

"You're lying, I know you are. You sly bitch" he spat on her cheek before his hand swiped straight across it, the blood rushing to her skin in the form of a red print. 

"Oh my god, B!" Veronica called out, running over to her pulling her best friend into a tight hug. 

"You ass, stay away from her!" she shouted at him, rubbing Betty's back gently as she cried into her shoulder. Betty's eyes caught Jughead's, staring at him with a vacant expression. It was as if all the trust she had in him had been pulled from beneath her. He had been the match that lit the fuse to her pain. 

Nathan stumbled back, his hands pressing against the back of his head before he stormed away. Veronica sighed in relief as she watched him leave, her hand moving in soft circles over Betty's back. 

"Show's over, you can go" she declared, shooing the four serpents away from the scene. They quickly left- mostly to check if Jughead was okay- which just left Archie and the two girls. Archie gently pulled Betty into his arms, giving her a careful hug like he use to when they were kids. 

"I'll go apologise to Pop and grab our food as takeout, Arch get her in the car and we'll talk about this back at the Pembrooke" Veronica ordered, set on making sure Betty would be safe. He kissed the top of the blonde's head, something he hadn't done since she started dating Nick but it felt nice to have her best friend's affection back. She climbed into the back of Archie's car, putting her seat belt on as she leaned her head against the window. 

Once the three teenagers were back at the Pembrooke, they sat on Veronica's bed with Pop's takeout bags in their laps. 

"I have to ask B, has this happened before?" Veronica questioned, popping a fry into her mouth after. 

This was her chance, she could spill every single secret that she had kept internalised for so long. She could get Nathan into the trouble he deserved, get the justice that she desperately craved. But that's not how it worked. Without him she didn't know who she was. She didn't know her purpose or her future. It didn't seem plausible. 

"No...we argue but he just slipped up today" she shook her head. 

"Slipped up? B he hit you and spat on you. You can't excuse that, even if it was just once" Veronica refused. 

"V I'll handle it, I know what he did was wrong. I'll make sure he knows that" she assured, gritting her teeth because she knew it was all bullshit. 

"You better, or I'll be having words with him" she huffed. One thing Betty was always thanked the universe for was her best friend, a girl so fierce but so sweet at the same time. Veronica Lodge. 

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Sorry for being offline, I've been busy with my first week of college! Hoping to be upload more regularly soon!

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