Chapter 4

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Two days. Probably the longest amount of time that Betty had ever ignored Nathan. He had called her, messaged her (a mix of threats and apologies), and left multiple voicemails. It wasn't because she was mad or upset about the slap- that was a natural part of her life now. It was more that she was too scared to face him now that his short temper had finally exploded in public. He'd never hit her in front of people before and now that boundary had been crossed. 

Nathan: Baby pick up the phone, we can talk about this. 

Nathan: What did you tell Veronica?

She shook her head at the two latest messages, throwing her phone to the end of the bed before falling back onto it. She stared up at the ceiling with her lip caught between her front teeth, drawing a small amount of blood. She knew she was a dead girl walking when they next came face to face. A situation she'd prefer to ignore for now. 

As if to drag her from her consuming thoughts, a tapping sound at the window caused the blonde to sit up. A frown spread across her face as she crept over to the window, slowly opening her pink curtains to reveal Jughead stood there gripping onto a ladder. 

"What the hell are you doing?" she whispered, eyes widening in surprise. He tapped the window again as a gesture for her to open it. The girl sighed but obliged, pulling it up and helping him climb through. 

"Are you mad? You could've fallen" she scolded, closing the window once again. 

"I appreciate the concern Cooper" he grinned "but I came to check if you're okay? I thought you wouldn't want to see me but I was worried so in the end I decided to just go for it" 

She sat down on her bed, fiddling with the edge of her pyjama shorts. That's when she became very aware of how much of a mess she currently looked like with her unwashed hair in a low ponytail and her tank top stained by hot chocolate residue. She pulled a hoodie over her head, tugging the sleeves over her hands. 

Jughead decided not to comment on the bruises that littered her arms, guessing they were a consequence of a situation similar to the one at Pop's. What he could still see was a red mark down the side of her cheek, close to her ear. 

"Is that from Friday?" he whispered as he sat down next to her, reaching his hand up to gently trace his finger over it. Her eyes squinted at the feeling, letting out a quiet whimper.

"Sorry" he whispered, withdrawing his finger quickly "for everything. I shouldn't have used your situation to anger him, that was none of my business. I know there's no excuse but he kept jabbing at me until I couldn't handle it" 

"I know" she murmured, finally lifting her head to meet his blue-toned eyes. 

"I guess we don't know each other that well at all, but you've been stuck in my head Cooper" he admitted. 

"I find it hard to trust" she replied "and when you used it against me it really hurt" 

"I was an ass, I know that. But I never did it to hurt you, I just wanted him to get a taste of his own medicine" Jughead assured. 

"I get that. You came to check on me and that's more than anyone else has done, so thank you" she smiled. 

"Is that enough for a hug?" he teased, nudging her gently. 

She rolled her eyes but smiled, wrapping her arms around him. A rare goofy grin layed across his lips as he embraced her tightly in return. 

"So you're a hugger?" she smirked, resting her head against his chest. 

"Zip your lips or I'll let go" he warned jokingly, noticing how she gripped him tighter as if she was scared he would. 

Jughead didn't know how to figure Betty out. One minute she was a shy, reserved girl and the next she would be teasing and giggling with him. Sometimes she looked like she was carrying the weight of the world and the next she was floating in the clouds. He decided at that moment that he wanted to know her. Not just her name, favourite colour, or favourite movie. More like her deepest fears, biggest dreams, hopes for the future and the hidden parts of herself. The parts that made her who she was. The truth about Betty Cooper- no matter how complicated it was. 


"Betty!! You're gonna be late!" Alice Cooper's deafening voice woke her daughter from her peaceful slumber. She shot up in bed, rubbing her drooping eyes. She had been up late with Jughead the night before until he'd eventually climbed back out her window at 3 am so that she could get some sleep. He had taken her mind off of all her troubles and not once pestered her about Nathan. 

"I'll be down in 5!" she shouted back with a genuine smile, giddy from the night before. She got changed and gathered her hair up into a tight ponytail, covering it with hairspray that always stung her scalp. She then shoved her homework in her bag and ran downstairs, putting on her converse. The doorbell rang through the house which made both women raise an eyebrow. Betty walked over and opened the door, revealing Nathan stood there with a bruised jawline.

"Hey, I thought I could walk you to school" he offered with a sweet smile. 

"S...sure" she stammered, shouting goodbye to her mum before she walked out and closed the door behind her. Betty was ready for the worst, but surprisingly Nathan didn't make any move to 'teach' her a lesson. 

"I'm sorry about Friday, for what the others saw" he spoke, clearly only sorry that he was caught rather than that he hurt her. 

"It's fine, I didn't tell Archie and V anything more than what happened" she mumbled, internally rolling her eyes at his relieved sigh. 

"I just need to know baby, have you spoken to him before?" he asked calmly. 

"Jughead? He saw me after an argument we had but that's it" she covered. 

"Nothing more than that? I won't get mad, I just need to know" 

"Nothing more than that" she repeated "he's a serpent, I don't mix with people like that" 

"Right.....good. In that case, are we okay now?" he questioned. 

"Yeah, we're okay" she nodded, not phased by this usual routine. He'd apologize, ask her the same question and she'd agree. It was easier than arguing and much easier than facing the consequences of trying to break it off with him. Telling him 'no' was a death wish. So instead she complied as he kissed her and did the same at the doors of the school break room. 

"You've got to be kidding me" Veronica hissed, narrowing her eyes when she looked up from her coffee cup. 

"She forgave him?" Archie asked in surprise. 

"Looks like it. Well he's not getting off that easy with me, keep an eye on him and I'll keep an eye on Betty. That ass has a lot to prove" she ordered, crossing one long leg over the over. 

"Hey guys" Nathan smiled, sitting down with Betty on the sofa opposite the couple. 

Veronica gave him a glare in response before turning to face Betty. "B, do you have your dress for the school dance yet? My mum's friend has loads from her brand that we can try on" 

"Really? That would be great V" Betty smiled excitedly. She always enjoyed the glamour of school dances, with flashing lights and beautiful dresses that she could spin around in. They were one of the very few times that she felt confident in her own body. 

"About that, do you want to go with me? As in just us" Nathan asked, ignoring Veronica's scoff. 

"I'd like that" Betty nodded, kissing his cheek before leaning back against the sofa. Looking extra couple-like would reduce suspicion in her friends and so Betty played along with the whole sweet apologetic act. After all, Nathan was the one guy who actually wanted to take her to a dance. 

Sorry the update took so long, been busy with college!
Hope you're all safe and well❤

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