Chapter 9

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I'm backkkkk! The book is back and I can't wait to start writing again!

Jughead sat with his best friend in the waiting room, his foot tapping against the floor in anticipation. 

"Jug she's gonna be okay, you said it was only her ankle right?" Toni asked softly, her hand on his arm. 

"I think he hurt her more than that...but I don't know" he sighed, wrapping one of his curls around his finger before releasing it. He had watched Alice and Veronica rush away with the doctor as soon as Betty was free to be visited, but hadn't received any news himself. Of course he knew he wasn't important in this, Betty was hurt and she needed her mother more than she would need him. 

"God I hope that ass gets what he deserves. I knew something wasn't right about him, just the way he even spoke to her" Toni shivered. "Did you know?" 

"I knew more than most people....she showed me some of the bruises. But I couldn't push her Toni, if I forced her to report him or did it myself she'd never forgive me. If I lost her I wouldn't be able to help" he rambled, tugging at his hair slightly. 

"Hey hey, no one is blaming you. you did what you thought was right. And if you didn't get to her who knows what would've happened" Toni assured, rubbing his back gently. Jughead always felt he was at fault, whether it was surrounding family issues or friends but Toni refused to let him push Betty away because of it. 

"Right now she will just want all her friends supporting her, including you. She trusts you Jug, and god that girl is gonna need people she can trust"

Before the boy could respond Alice had re-entered the open area, slowly making her way towards the two serpents. 

"Hi Jughead, Betty asked to see you" she spoke, her tone much warmer than expected. He simply nodded and got up nervously, following her to the ward in silence. Alice Cooper probably didn't appreciate a serpent hanging around her precious daughter. 

"Before you go in, I just want to thank you. Betty told me what you did for her, and how you've helped her these past few weeks. I'll forever be grateful Jughead" she spoke appreciatively. 

"Of course, it's nothing anyone else wouldn't do" he brushed off the praise, both surprised and slightly confused by her kindness.

"It kept her safe and that's all that matters to me. I admit I judged you and your friends too quickly. Maybe you aren't as bad as the ones before you" she smiled as they stood outside the double doors. 

Jughead didn't even know how to respond to her, but he knew damn well what she meant. She was clearly referencing his dad and his way of running the serpents. Drugs, fights, manipulation, betrayal. Something his dad seemed to thrive on in every aspect. 

"Thank you Mrs Cooper" he nodded before pushing the doors open, his gaze flitting around each inch of the room before it settled on the girl herself. Her hair lay tousled around her shoulders, barely framing her pale face. Her skin had turned ashen as opposed to her usually rosy cheeks, leaving a blank canvas that spoke nothing. Yet still, her eyes twinkled with that same curious nature. 

His feet drove him forward before his brain could think, finding himself stood at her bedside enveloping her into his arms "I wanna ask if you're okay but that's the dumbest question of the century" he chuckled, never quite losing his dry humour. 

"I'm okay Jug, as much as I can be" she answered anyway with a weak smile, inhaling the scent from his shirt that her nose had burrowed into. 

"What did the doctors say?" he asked as he pulled back, sitting down on the edge of the bed. 

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