Blurb & Playlist

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Irony {noun} - a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often wryly amusing as a result.

Khloe Matthews had never really considered how ironic her life was until she died. At parties, the head cheerleader would do something BIG to get revenge. If this meant spreading secrets and telling lies then she would do it.

How ironic is it that Khloe used parties as a way of ending her peers' social lives and in turn someone used her own end of summer party to end her life?

The sad thing is that Khloe didn't even really see it coming, but as she recounts her story, it becomes increasingly obvious that her so called 'friends' did.

Now her friends will have to learn that just because the bitch is dead, it doesn't mean she's gone.

Who said you had to be alive to get revenge?


I created a playlist on spotify containing all the songs that I think match up with the chapters and I would loveee for you to check it our and leave your thoughts on it in the comments below!!

link is on my profile in my 'about me' !

happy reading!

dedicaiton to @youg0glencoco because of the cover - thank-you!!!

rachel // longtimegone

Side note: I hate how I began this story so I plan on rewriting it so that it's less juvenile and more real so please bare with the cringey crap at the start, I promise it actually gets better when Khloe eventually dies.

I also hate how long it took me to kill her off but I promise the eventual rewrite will be way better than this.

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