Chapter Ten

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Song of the chapter is Conor Maynard's 'R U Crazy'

Picture is of Cameron Boyce who plays Jack (in my imagination)


"This is going to sound so psychotic, I'm honestly not a psycho or anything, I just need to explain it properly so you can see things from my point of view," Mackenzie said, smiling softly at me.

Good luck with that Mack.

"Well after we hit Tyler, Lydia was in shock. I was in shock too, I mean I had just sort of caused the boy I liked to get hit by a car. I thought he was dead. I started screaming and crying and Lydia was freaking out so she just continued driving. She kept driving despite the wailing I was doing in the backseat. She headed towards the ballet class that we were running late to and stopped the car. She made me promise not to tell anyone what she had done and I felt pity for her. I didn't pity her enough to stop putting her through so much emotional turmoil but I did pity her. I knew I was going to destroy her and I could actually see her breaking. I got a front row seat as she started to crack. I watched how anxious she got around my dad, she even went through his phone to see if he was actually cheating on her because I had made her so paranoid. It made me feel good to watch, I mean I had watched the pain it caused my own mother, for me this was payback. A little revenge just to show her that she shouldn't have done what she did. She shouldn't have split up my family. She shouldn't have ruined my reputation. She made life difficult for me." She said while playing with the ends of her hair. It looked dry and straw like which was definitely something I wasn't used to seeing when looking at Mackenzie.

"Did you ever consider your dad's feelings in this Mackenzie? I mean I'm sure he wouldn't have split up with your mum if he didn't love Lydia-" I suggested before she interrupted me.

"Lydia poisoned him! I know he didn't love her like he loved my mum, all I needed was to get Lydia out of the way and I knew they would get back together!" She replied, grabbing my wrists.

"But they didn't! Lydia's been in prison for like 3 years now, if he was going to get back with your mum then he would have already done it by now!" I replied, trying to make her see what she had done. I wanted her to feel bad for her actions.

"My mother got a new boyfriend after Lydia went to prison so he couldn't just swoop in there now could he?" she replied, clearly missing the point I was trying to make.

"But Mack, if your mum still loved him then wouldn't she have waited for him?" I asked, my tone of voice gentle in an attempt to calm her down.

Her expression turned from angry to confused. She realised what I had meant.

"I- I don't get it, I did all this for them?" she said, her voice breaking.

"Mack, you didn't do it for them. You did it for yourself," I said, which in hindsight I probably shouldn't have said.

"Yes, maybe I did it for me, but I did it for them too! So don't even try to make me out to be as self obsessed as you are Khloe, because nobody will ever agree with you!"

I wondered how long it was going to take before Mackenzie exploded again.

Fucking nutcase.

"I'm not trying to say yourself obsessed Mackenzie — I'm just trying to help you see that your actions were wrong, you know what? They weren't just wrong, they were manipulative and dangerous. You said earlier that you knew I was going to accuse you of being some psychotic bitch and you had the cheek to bring up the fact that I supposedly betrayed you? How fucking dare you. Before we even met you had already stabbed me in the back — and it looks like that's all you've ever been doing. Please do enlighten me Mack, was this ever a friendship to you or was keeping me close and away from Tyler the only way you thought you would ever have a chance with him? I'm flattered that you see me as such a threat Mack," I said back to her. I was angry, hell, I was furious. I had done so much for her and yet I had literally just found out that she had been treating me like shit from before we were even friends? Throughout my ever so dramatic speech I had been inching closer to Mackenzie. I was so close I could see the way her eyes were so dark they were almost black. I could see the anger in her eyes. I could see that the dark bags that were under her bags weren't really bags at all, it was very convincing make up.

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