Lost without You

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Yet again, I wake up alone in my chamber. As soon as Professor McGonagall escorted me back after everything that happened yesterday, I went straight to sleep. I didn't want to deal with my emotions. If I did I would have become my old self again, today was no different. I felt so empty... so- lost.

I didn't want to get up, I wanted to just stay in my bed and pretend everything was okay. The only thing I could think about was him. I should hate him, I should know what kind of a person he is. I don't blame him for what he has become, I blame him for not being the person HE knows he can become. All I could think about was how he kissed me, how he opened up to me. I now knew that was all part of his twisted plan, he never showed any means of feelings for me before.

I needed to stop thinking about him, It was just going to hurt me more I knew that. I had never had feelings for anyone before especially someone like him, so I had no clue how to cope with this. I was supposed to have a lesson with him this afternoon, there was no way I was going. Not unless he wanted a full hell bent argument with me and with the way I was feeling. He would not win. I would go if Theo was going to be there, I figured I would try and tell him the truth about what has been going on and hope he takes it well.

I put on my Hogwarts robe and look in the mirror, I look an absolute mess. I really could not care less, not today. I grab my potions book and head out the door, I walk down the corridor towards the classroom. I see Theo stood outside along with other students.

"Hey, a-are you alright? You look really pale" Theo asks, looking concerned.

"Oh, no I'm fine just a bit of a rough night thats all, whats going on then? Where is Se-. Professor Snape" I ask, quickly saving myself.

"No idea, he has never been late before. Maybe he is sick or something" he says looking at me.

"You could say that" I murmur under my breath.

"Are you sure you are okay? You seem really pissed off, If something is bothering you. Tell me" he says with a kind smile.

I look up at him, hoping what I was about to tell him would not affect what I though would be the start of a good friendship.

"It's not something thats bothering me, It's someone" I say. I pull him to the side and peer over his shoulder to make sure nobody is listening.

"Whats do you mean? like bullying you or what, and who is it" he says, leaning towards me.

"No, It's just so complicated" I say.

"I can handle complicated, trust me" he says with a smile.

It was now or never to tell him, I take a deep breath and pray he understands.

"I have very strong feelings for..." I pause.

"WHO, goddammit I really want to know" he squeals, jumping up and down.

Hello Professor

I turn around to see Snape walking through the crowd of student to open the door.

"DANI- WHO IS IT" Theo whispers to me in a loud tone.

"I- I'll tell you later, I promise." I say with a faint smile.

"Aint you coming" he asks, as he walks towards the door.

I freeze. My body had gone numb with anger, if just seeing him from meters away infuriated me how was I going to cope at the front of the class.

I walk in the class along side Theo, he would hopefully keep me sane. It would be so much easier if he knew what had gone on. I try not to make eye contact with Snape, I was going to avoid ANY means of arguments especially what happened in this class last time.

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