chapter 4

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Peter's pov

I'm sitting in y/n room I'm in my spiderman suit. Y/n got up and asked me if I wanted to do something we haven't done before and said that it should be fun. I was confused but replied "what is it you had in mind" I was kind of intrigued to see what her idea was "follow me and I'll show you" I get up and follow y/n to the training place. "what are we doing here y/n" she didn't even respond and a chair was tapping me. I was confused I thought the avengers were messing around with me but then I looked at y/n and she shot me with a power ball making me fall over. "You have powers?!" how could she not tell me this. I was her best friend. well me as in Peter, not Spiderman. "Yeah, pretty cool right" I couldn't act weird about her having powers because I'm cool with people having powers. I just don't know how she didn't tell me. I know I haven't told her about spiderman but it's a new thing. it seems like she's had powers for awhile. I realized I probably had been standing here for 30 seconds not responding so I respond "yeah that's awesome. does that mean you're an avenger" she looks at me then looks at the ground. "no my dad says it too dangerous. I've asked a million times be he keeps saying the same thing" she seemed upset so I walked over and hugged her. there was just something that felt so right while I hugged her. I wanted to continue to hug her but she pulled away after a minute. I looked at her she did look upset. "well y/n if it means anything I think you would make an amazing Avenger" she smiled "thanks Spidey"


"You have powers?!" I hear spiderman say standing up. " yeah pretty cool right" he looks at me. no response after about 30 seconds he answered "yeah that's awesome. does that mean you're an avenger" I looked at him and then looked at my feet "no my dad says it too dangerous. I've asked a million times be he keeps saying the same thing" Spidey looks at me walks over to where I'm standing and hugs me. he's never hugged me. at least not like this. I let him hug me for a minute then pulled away. he looked at me and said something I didn't expect "well y/n if it means anything I think you would make an amazing Avenger" I started smiling "thanks Spidey" at least someone thinks I'd be a good avenger. we walk out of the training room and head over to the kitchen I was gonna ask Spiderman about how I could tell peter that I liked him. I doubt he knows Peter but I wanted to see if he had any advice. but as I was about to my dad and the rest of the avengers get home. "Hey, kids" Steve says to us getting a glass of water. "Hey," me and spiderman say in unison. "what have you guys been up to" my dad asked before I get the chance to respond Spiderman answers " we hung out for a bit then y/n showed me some of her powers. how come you never told me about that Mr.Stark?" I looked over at my dad he seemed angry. I wasn't supposed to tell let alone show spiderman about my powers. my dad calmly replied to the question. "I wasn't my place to say. but hey it getting late you might wanna head home." I could tell I was going to get in trouble. "you're right I should get home before I make someone worry bye everyone" everyone said goodbye then split off. I heard Nat say "don't be too hard on her" then she left the room.

"I thought I told you not to tell him about your powers!" I could tell that he frustrated that I didn't listen to what he said ." I don't get what's the big deal. they're my powers I should be able to tell who I want." he was frustrated I could tell I thought he was going to yell at me but instead he walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. " I just don't want you to get hurt y/n. they are your powers. and telling him isn't the worst. if anything now he has someone his age to train with" I hugged my dad. I knew he just wanted to protect me but I'm glad he realized that I'll tell people about my powers when I want to and I know I can trust them.

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