chapter 5

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Y/n pov

It's been about a week since I showed spiderman my powers, me and him have gotten pretty close over that past week. We've either trained or hung out every day this week. I haven't hung out with Peter and Ned which I feel bad about but if they really wanted to hangout with me they could text me. I'm sitting in the living room all the avengers are on a mission. Then there was a knock on the door. I get up walk over and open the door to see Spidey. "Hey spidey" "Hey y/n, can I come in?" I nodded my head opening the door more and letting him in. "What up" "Nothing, I wasn't doing anything and I knew you were home by yourself so I thought I'd keep you company" "thanks" I smiled we walked over to the living room and sat down. Its Saturday. Usually me Peter and Ned hangout on Saturdays. I miss them. "You ok?" Spidey saw the sad look on my face "yeah, I usually hangout with my best friends on Saturdays. I feel bad not hanging out with Ned and Peter. Especially Peter. I love hanging out with you but I just feel bad" I said looking at the ground.

Peter's pov
Did she just say that she missed hanging out with me? Like especially me?? Woo calm down peter. I think to myself "Whose peter?" I asked. Obviously I know myself but she doesn't know that spiderman knows him. "He's been my bestfriend since kindergarten" "only your bestfriend??" I asked. I like y/n alot so might aswell use this moment to figure out if she feel the same. I'm doubtful that she does but I hope. "Well I mean yeah he is my bestfriend. I've just had a huge crush on him since like the 4th grade. But I'm pretty sure he likes Liz. and look at me I'm just me. So there is no way he likes me back" She said in a sad tone. She likes me?! Holy shit she likes me back!! I'm trying not to panic but she thinks I like Liz. Like Liz is cute but y/n is just gorgeous " Have you told him that you like him to see how he feels?" "No! I very doubtful that he does and I don't want to ruin our friendship plus I don't know how to anyways. do I be straight forward Hey peter I like you. Or hey peter I've like you since the 4th grade or like hey can I talk to you. Then tell him. I just don't knoww" she says falling backwards into the couch. I can't just pretend that I don't know peter anymore "maybe you should tell him while you think he's someone else" I said she didn't catch on. "What do you mean?" She said very confused "like tell him while he's in his spiderman suit sitting right infront of you." I finished my sentence and took my mask off.

(A/n: sorry it took so long I had writers block)

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